Organizing your books
When I worked in a bookstore I had to edge the books - bring them right up to the very edge of the shelves, no space in front of them. But although that looks nice, most libraries don't require that frill. On the other hand, I tend to do that while working in our local private library because it does look nice.
I never had the mouse problem - probably because I had so many books that I had to arrange them in double rows on each shelf. This is a little reduced now, but since I keep on buying new ones (or new old ones) it may happen again.
I just acquired the Lloyd Goodrich definitive collection of Edward Hopper's work and it won't fit on
any shelf, even lying flat (not to mention it weighs a ton). Now my problem is where to put it - I don't have a coffee table, and I really need a small derrick to lift it when I want to look at the pictures...