Mon 24 Jul, 2006 04:16 pm
Directions: Rearrange the letters in:
to from as many new words as you can. There are at least 50 but the one who finds the most wins and will be deliciously rewarded.
so i just made a list of 60... but if i post it, the next person already has 60 words.
not that its very difficult to quickly generate a long list.
i mean, look at all those vowels!
if anyone wants my list, i'll post it...
Here are over 150 1-3 letter words:
a ad an ax ace ade ado ads age ago ail ale and arc are axe aye
cad can car cay cod cog con cox coy cry cud cue cur
do day den die dig din doe dog don dry due dug dun duo dye
en ear eel ego end era ere erg eye
go gad gal gar gas gay gel gin gnu god gun guy
I id in is ice icy ill ins ire
la lo lad lag lax lay lea led leg lei lid lie log lox lug lux lye
no nag nay nee nil nix nod nog nor nos
on or ox oar ode oil old ole one ore ors our
re rag ran ray red rex rid rig rod roe rue rug run
so sac sad sag say sea sex sic sin sir six sly sod son sox soy sue sun
us urn use
yo yea yen yes yin yon you
1. delicious
2. relax
3. real
4. reel
5. leer
6. sneer
7. gear
8. sear
9. year
10. clear
11. near
12. lord
13. Region
14. legion
15. clean
16. sly
17. so
18. deli
19. doll
20. roll
21. call
22. cell
23. cellar
24. loud
25. dour
26. cling
27. sling
28. gringo
29. ring
30. rang
31. rung
32. sing
33. sang
34. song
35. sung
36. slug
37. cling
38. clang
39. clung
40. rude
41. crude
42. aloud
43. girl
44. grille
45. creed
46. greed
47. collar
48. dollar
49. yearling
50. road
51. code
52. cold
53. sold
54. gold
55. goad
56. liar
57. lore
58. snore
59. snare
60. snail
(this is just the tip of the iceberg...)