NickFun wrote:....the world would become a very dull place! Tension would rise! Wars would break out! Nuclear anhililation would be inevitable! The Earth would burn...
Funny you should mention that.....
Book of Revelation's bad guys didn't know where the hell they were going, say cops!
PARIS - A funny thing happened on the way to Doomsday - the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse got lost and had to ask for directions!
That is the wild story of a French police officer who claims that one of the fearsome riders trotted up to him on the roadside and sheepishly asked, "Do you know the way to Rome?"
"It was the one on a red horse, holding a broad-sword. I guess that must be the Second Horseman, the War guy," highway patrolman Michel Clenard told a Paris newspaper.
"I was totally taken aback. I mean, these guys are supposed to be determining the fate of all mankind - but they seem to have no Earthly idea where they're going. And I didn't know whether to point them in the right direction or send them on a wild goose chase."
According to prophecies in the Holy Bible, a warning sign that the end of the world is near will be the arrival of four mysterious horsemen, representing the major calamities that will plague man in the last days - war, famine, pestilence and death (Rev. 6:2-8).
The uncanny encounter took place 13 miles outside Paris on the highway from Dijon. Officer Clenard was assisting a female motorist whose auto had broken down on the side of the road, when he first spotted the hooded horsemen and their giant steeds.
"They had stopped on the other side of the road and they were arguing over their map about which way to go," said Officer Clenard. "I was concerned because cars were whizzing by really fast and the horses seemed like they were getting anxious."
Officer Clenard said eventually one of the horsemen was sent over to his patrol car.
"The guy seemed reluctant and when he got close enough for me to recognize him from illustrations in my Bible, I understood why," he said. "The guys are supposed to be these big, bad harbingers of doom - asking for help must have been humiliating."
Officer Clenard said the Second Horseman spoke in an antiquated form of French.
"I advised him to keep his sword sheathed and I gave him directions, but I'm not sure he got them right," the cop said. "When the riders took off, two of them headed the wrong way!"