My cousin usually examines vaginas with fingers.
My cousin usually examines vaginas with Vinnie.
My cousin usually examines cars with Vinnie.
My cousin usually drives cars with Vinnie.
(Thanks for changing the subject!)
My cousin usually wrecks cars with Vinnie.
My cousin usually wrecks cars with gusto.
My cousin usually eats cars with gusto.
My cousin usually eats corn with gusto.
My cousin usually eats Sylvia with gusto
My dog usually eats Sylvia with gusto
My dog usually eats Sylvia with pesto.
My dog usually eats sausage with pesto.
My dog usually pukes sausage with pesto.
My dog usually pukes sausage with cheese.
My dog never pukes sausage with cheese.
My dog never eats sausage with cheese.
My dog never eats cats with cheese
My dog never eats mice with cheese
My dog never eats mice or cheese
My dog never attacks mice with cheese.