ebrown_p wrote:No a process can not have a goal-- it is people who have goals. If you design an algorithm... it is your goal, not the algorithms goal.
I drive my car to work... my goal is to get to work. It is questionable if my car even knows it is going to work. If it does, it certainly doesn't consider getting to my job as a goal-- it would probably prefer to go to the beach.
You are soooo wrong. If I design an algorithm to do a job, it is my goal AND the goal of the algorithm. And you car is in NO way a procedure or algorithm. Your example is useless. As far as the car is concerned, I imagine it would rather go to work than the beach, being that salt water is corrosive to the steel in the car. :-D
Goal is not the same as "determined end state". My determined end state is death (as in if you accept the restrictions of modern science and our it is near certain that in 100 years my state will be death). Death is not my goal-- my goal is to get a betetr car before the time of my death.
You are correct, but only if you look at a specific time. There is an algorithm that draws these pixels on my screen and refreshes them, it's called the OnDraw() function. However, over the "life" of this program, the "goal" is to view webpages and let me interact. That doesn't negate the end-result of the smaller algorithm.
You are correct that a process can have a "determined end state (if you mean a state that can be mathematically predicted with a high degree of reliability."
I don't believe the definition of "end state" requires any mathematic prediction.
There are many examples of this-- for example, if I drop a rock I am pretty certain that it will undergo a process of falling. I can be quite sure of its path. This point seems to me to be quite uninteresting especially in light of this discussion.
However, there are also many processes that don't have a "determined end state". There are mathematical proofs of this backed up by experiment (i.e. both mathemeticians and phycists agree on this). Specific examples include Lorentz attractors from mathematics, and dual slit experiments from observational physics.
If there is no determined end-state for the Lorentz phenomenon, why is there a formula for the specific contraction of an object as a function of its speed?
And I really don't see how the dual-split experiment is a "procedure" at all. I really can't see what wave-particle duality has to do with any of this. You are talking about properties of energy and matter, NOT A PROCESS.
So there are process with a "determined end state" and processes without a "determined end state".
I am simply stating (and can back up with both reason and observation) that Evolution is one example of a process with no "determined end state"
You are comparing apples and oranges. And I never said there was a "goal" of evolution. There really is no way for us to know that until we can observe the end of evolution. I was simply pointing out that a process can have a goal.
What do you disagree with (other than arguing about whether processes can have goals which seems more an argument about words than anything else)?
Is there anything here? What are we arguing about?
I was simply pointing out a flaw in your argument.