Wed 28 Jun, 2006 03:59 pm
In the Colossus I'm stuck on 172A
Clue: Maritime
PatternL ?A?I?E
Holiday Collection Cryptic I"m stuck on quite a few still.......but one that's really driving me nuts is 38A
Clue: Sailor expressed thanks
Pattern: T??
and 54A
Clue: It always ends in a draw despite having a winner
Pattern: SA?F?E
Someone put me out of my misery...pleeeeease.
Hi julksy
172a = marine
Holiday Cryptic:
38a = tar
54a = raffle
for 25d you should have interpreter.
Hope this helps.
I had interprates.
Right then....back to pulling my hair out for the 9 clues I have left.
Thanks for your help once again Dutchy
Post anytime julksy, don't go bald by pulling your hair out
Bald might save on the price of hair dye....hehe