I'm surrounded by history buffs...
I too like to mix fiction with non-fiction, and sometimes even if I don't want to I have to, lol
For instance while working by way through Lynch's
The New History of Scotland, chapter by chapter, I was also reading Faulkner's
As I Lay Dying and other stuff on the reading list.
The next auto-biography I want to read is Anne Robinson's
Dairy of an Unfit Mother while also reading Janice Galloway's
Foreign Parts and at least one thing not on next semester's course!
I'll stop playing with the italics now,
Jim, I travel a lot too, and finish most of the books I I buy at the beginning of journeys in transit. One thing I have noticed is that the books available at kiosks are slightly more upmarket now.
Equus, some of the books I read seem to take weeks, the above Lynch is one example!