Thu 22 Jun, 2006 06:58 am
Just getting into our 3rd year in Albuquerque and Succulents are rapidly becoming our plants of interest. We have Sedum and Portulaca (moss rose) and Ice plants that seem to thrive here in hot sandy/rocky soil as well as Wall flower, Salvia, day lillys, Spanish broom, Cone flowers. The Holly Hocks are doing very well, the Rosemary I need a tractor to pull out, the grapes are running amok, tomatos are thick as thieves, the Whooly Thyme can't be killed and the chives are unstopable. We are nearly finished with landscaping the back yard and in a week or so the Lady Diane will begin scaping the front yard. Oddist thing is our peppers which seem to require daily attention.
and of course the Smoke Tree and Penstemon