Angry Neighbors Battle It Out With Signs

Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:23 pm
Neighbor disputes. I know what that's all about. We've experienced that ourselves.

Do you have a story to tell?

Angry Neighbors Battle It Out With Signs

COLUMBIA CITY, Ind. (AP) - A feud between neighbors that began over roving pets has sparked a biting dialogue using homemade signs along the side of the road. Pam and Ron Castle say their neighbor, Larry Shrock, shot their beagle mix named Jake on June 1 and burned his body in an incinerator.

This sign posted by Pam Castle is shown Tuesday, June 13, 2006, near her house in Columbia City, Ind. Castle said she posted the signs after her dog, Jake, was shot by a neighbor, Larry Shrock. The sign is one of three that has sparked unusual, biting dialogue between northeast Indiana neighbors that began over roving pets.

This sign posted by Larry Shrock shown Tuesday, June 13, 2006, near his house in Columbia City, Ind., displays his response to his neighbor's claim that he shot their beagle mix named Jake on June 1. According to a police report, Shrocks said they asked the Pam and Ron Castle to keep their dogs at home, worried the animals would try to attack rabbit hutches on their property. When the dogs returned, Shrock said he shot one of the animals.

According to a police report, the Shrocks said they asked the Castles to keep their dogs at home, worried the animals would try to attack rabbit hutches on their property. When the dogs returned, Shrock told police he shot one of the animals. No charges have been filed.

Unsatisfied with the response from police and his neighbors, Ron Castle used red paint to write on 4-foot-by-8-foot plywood board: "My Neighbor, Larry Shrock, House on Left up on Hill (arrow) Shot My Dog, Then Burned It." He added an expletive to the sign he posted alongside the road near his house.

"I didn't know what else to do," he said. "What can I do to this man that has caused me so much grief?"

On June 7, after a second neighbor complained Shrock shot another dog, Castle took out the paint again.

"Mowrey Road Dog Killer Ahead On Left, Two Shot and Killed, One Burned."

The Shrocks fought back with blue paint and a sign of their own.

"Neighbor's Dog Killed My Pet Bunnies, Scared My Granddaughter. I Warned Him Twice."

Castle disagreed, and penned a third sign, which denied the rabbit allegations.

Shrock has since taken down his sign, but Castle's three messages remain visible to eastbound drivers who crest a small hill in the community of about 7,800 residents about 20 miles northwest of Fort Wayne.

"My wife and I fear for our lives," Shrock told The Journal Gazette of Fort Wayne.
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:27 pm

Good grief!
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:51 pm
This story hit close to home..lol

Been in a battle with the neighbors over our dogs...ended up in an arrest, a court battle and him doing community service..HA! And get this, his community service was at that dog pound, scooping poop!!! HAHAHAHAHA

That was at my request!

The neighbor is my husbands cousin, who we have nothing do with! He's a low life prison hopping meth head.

We live across a wooden privacy fence, owned registered walkers that we were raising for bench shows at the time, and not to count, we had travelled to different states to buy these dogs, another words, we had a pretty penny tied up in them.

Now these dogs were in a pen of their own...100 yards from our house..out back, and over 200 yards from his house.

They dug out on afternoon...and he shot one of the pups in the head, not killing her. After a visit to the vets office and having her taken care of, he was arrested. (Felon in possession of a firearm, there was a witness)

He got out of jail...and a few days later, we had a hole kicked through the wire in our pens...the dogs were out. We tried to find them to put them back up...but they were no where to be found.

Later on that night, fearing the worst...we had two dogs arrive on our front porch, bleeding from their mouths...

That low life had used trotline strings and treble hooks to bait our dogs with, using chicken livers...both dogs had their mouths hooked closed and basically had shredded their tongues...

We called the law......and again headed to the vet in the middle of the night.

This time, they couldn't arrest him, because there were no witnesses and they couldn't prove to the fact that he was the culprit.

A few days later...I was out in my yard early, and this stray walker come up in the yard, so I tried to call to her to get her to come to me, so I could put her in my pen...to keep him from getting her.

He heard me calling over the privacy fence...and thats when he told on himself.

He hollered the same thing back over the fence mocking me...and then added..."Ya...come on you Mo'Fo's...come on over here and I'll bait your asses up like I did those other dogs...come get ya come chicken livers"

I immediately went inside the house and called the law, who made their way to my house, with my husband from work in hot pursuit....

He was arrested. And went to hollering it was my word against his...HA, just so happened, Nelson's uncle that lived on our property also was there...(lowlife too) and after the threat of getting his ass stomped, he admitted he heard the cousin admit to the dog baiting.

Once again...he was arrested.

Ended up with a court day...and him paying restitution, not only for the vet bills, but for the cost of each dog...and community service at the local dog pound...LOL

"Don't mess with my dogs man...lol"
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:53 pm
At least theyve opened a dialogue.

The only thing even close to this was a sign I put up on a township road that is adjacent to my property. The township did a terrible job of grading and rebanking the roadside on this road, which just outlines a large crop field. However, after their incompetent regrading and cutting the slope too steeply, the runoff washed off the field and came out onto the road and made a large mudskid and sediment trap that caused an accident or two whenever it rained. I called the township and they gave me crap about "priorities" and "budget shortfalls". SO I made up a huge sign on a sheet of plywood. It said " YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK". Then I had a phone number to the road masters office. They had it fixed within one week after my sign went up. Then they told me to take the sign down or theyd fine me. So, naturally, being the good citizen I am, I obliged. We have a "partnership" in our township now. Weve voted so many of the bums out that noone can even remember the previous 2 supervisory administrations.

JeezMMS, I was posting while yours went on the board. People like that scare me. You know that, at the end there will be the possibility of violence, especally from bums. How did your dogs tongues heal??
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 08:23 pm
Shiver & Farmer, thanks both for your stories. I'm glad that there was resolution in your cases.

Our situation here (we live in a townhouse complex) is that we have a family with 4 kids living next door. Ours is an end unit, so it's just them to one side of us.

2 of the boys are about 20 & 22, and the 2 youngest are older teens still at school.

Anyways, every year (coming up to 4th summer) the mother stays for 2 months in the summer at a campsite that they rent and the husband goes to and from from that property back home on a weekly basis while he has holidays.

Of course the kids are left to their own devices and get up to the usual stuff that you can imagine, with friends coming and going. Nobody says anything.

The first year we did, and for our trouble afterwords, we had the front of our unit and our car egged, making a total mess which took a lot of effort to clean up.

So, subsequently, we've been gritting our teeth and putting up with it, not liking it, but feel helpless to be able to do anything that will work, without there being retribution of some kind.

We keep hoping that the 2 older kids will move out on their own, but so far seem not in a hurry to shift. Mad
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 08:26 pm
The old burning sack of doody on the porch trick should put them in their place, Reyn.
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 08:42 pm
haha, Naw, I don't think this time.

These kids probably wouldn't be able to smell it through the pot smoke.
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 09:56 pm
JeezMMS, I was posting while yours went on the board. People like that scare me. You know that, at the end there will be the possibility of violence, especally from bums. How did your dogs tongues heal??

Farmerman, these people scared me too. They are known for being violent.

Its too long of a story to get into, but my inlaws that lived on the same property were having a fit about us calling the law. Like I said, "Long Story", but the inlaws had their house burned to the ground about 15 years earlier due to the brother that lived next door...he got angry with them over a rumor.....and this cousin we were dealing with, is his son.

(Strange family history, Strange family) Ok..let me say this: My husband and I were watching "Unsolved Mysteries" one night ,and my husband recognized one of the men that was on the show! He called him by his name. Come to find out, it was him...he was a best friend of the Uncle's, and apparently wanted for armed robbery in Louisiana. This is what kind of people lived next door.

But Enough was Enough!

The dogs, after both having to undergo some extensive suturing, and both having to be put to sleep to be sewed on, healed up fine.

The first pup that he shot, he shot in the eye, she ended up one eyed...I don't know how she lived through it honestly?

What a beautiful pup she was, her front feet looked as if she had white socks on, along with being black backed. We had named her "Two Socks"...and she was bought primarily because of her bloodlines and beauty, and also for our oldest son to raise to bench with her.

Well, that went out the window........(PISSED ME OFF)

To say the least, we have basically quite raising dogs, we still have hounds, but nothing of substantial lineage, and one spoiled lab.
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Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 10:00 pm
The first year we did, and for our trouble afterwords, we had the front of our unit and our car egged, making a total mess which took a lot of effort to clean up.

So, subsequently, we've been gritting our teeth and putting up with it, not liking it, but feel helpless to be able to do anything that will work, without there being retribution of some kind.

Disrespectful BRATS! GRRR!

I called the township and they gave me crap about "priorities" and "budget shortfalls". SO I made up a huge sign on a sheet of plywood. It said " YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK".

Ha! Worked though...lol

That happened in our neck of the woods years ago. It was actually quite funny, it was over a 2 mile stretch of roadway that needed paved. The state come in an paved 15 miles of it, but didn't manage to pave the last two. The people in that area painted plywood signs, and tied gask mask to the side of the road....LOL To say the least, it was paved shortly thereafter!
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:08 am
My dad raised field trial and bench Irish Setters. I know the expense and work involved. I think my first 15 years of life were spent combing and brushing dogs. Id never purposely own an Irish Setter again. Great stupid beautiful hard-headed dummies. I love hounds and border collies , they are like the Einsteins of the purebreds.

I hope your evil cousin-in-law gets his.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:18 am
That Larry better watch his ass.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 08:00 am
Anybody else have an interesting neighbor story to tell?
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 08:28 am
Well, I had a series of rich old lady neighbours that mysteriously disappeared...
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 09:00 am
Do tell!
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 09:02 am
I've got one, but I'll have to tell it later on....
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 09:03 am
Right in the midst, huh?
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tin sword arthur
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 10:23 am
I suppose I could share this . . .
When I was a kid, my family lived next door to a house identical to ours, both built by the same man. He had relatives still living in the one house, and we were in the other (obviously). We had problems with them from the get go. They had figured out how to listen in on our phone calls from our cordess phone, and would call us back afterwards to heckle us. We came home on more than one occasion and found the kids swimming in our pool. We planted some Evergreens knowing that one day, they would grow tall enough to afford us some privacy from them. The kids ran over one of them with their bikes repeatedly, and it died.
Real winners.
One day, while I was home alone, I sat upstairs playing a game on my brother's computer. I noticed lights flashing outside, and glancing out I saw that there was a firetruck parked in our street. I went outside to see what was going on, and saw two more firetrucks and several police cars. Glancing to my right, following the hose from one of the firetrucks, I saw why they were there: our house was on fire. Not blazing, but trying. The bushes in front of our large picture window were burning and the overhang was catching. Fire was burning inside the overhang, but the outside was charred and not burning. They were able to put it out, and no further damage was sustained. I was, naturally, quite surprised since I was in the house and noticed none of this.
After the fire was out, the police were talking with me about what I did and didn't see, and one of the firemen came over carrying several of those fireworks that just smoke, smoke bombs. They flare after you light them then smoke. Several of these had been lit and place in our bushes, and that's what started the fire. One of our other neighbors saw the fire and called the fire department. If they hadn't, I may have been trapped on the second story of our home while the first floor went up in a blaze. The police looked into it, and told us they suspected the neighbors since we had a history with them, but never made any arrests due to lack of evidence.
One of those kids grew up to be a firefighter, ironically enough.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 10:55 am
Reyn wrote:
Do tell!

Nothing to tell, really ... sad cases all. I do want to emphasize that my fortunate transformation into "Three Jag Nimh" has no relation whatsoever with their tragic disappearance, regardless what the timeline might suggest.
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 10:59 am
tin_sword_arthur wrote:
One of those kids grew up to be a firefighter, ironically enough.
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tin sword arthur
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 11:15 am
I know. Scary stuff.
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