Thanks, all!
Heya Sparky. Yeah, I do like the small-diamonds look myself. We'll see. I think he's going for something edgier. Also he's a pale pale boy, diamonds look better on darker skin I think. I think diamonds are good for professional + edgy, though. (He's wearing nicer and nicer clothes, I'm having a hard time picturing cheap brass earrings with 'em, maybe at least the sterling silver...)
I've seen those bear claws!
Sozlet loves all this stuff, she never fails to compliment someone on their piercings/ tats. This often gets uncomfortable giggles and "er, sorry!" looks in my direction from the complimentee, I just shrug and smile. She knows she's not gettin' nothin' 'til she's 13, then we'll talk.
(Loved the oatmeal line, Lash.
