Thu 8 Jun, 2006 10:31 am
We have a boxer mix, Rocky, who is a two-year old neutered male. He is submissive, calm and well trained. About a month ago, a stray unaltered rottweiler mix, Apollo, wandered onto our property. He and Rocky were alright together except when the neighbor's unaltered chihuahua started to confront Apollo. Rocky stuck up for the underdog and became aggressive towards Apollo. Other than that, Apollo and Rocky were fine together for the one night and day and a half that we had the stray. Then we took Apollo to the pound so that his owners could hopefully find him. We left instructions that we be phoned if he was not adopted so that there was no way he could be killed. Well, the pound called and we adopted Apollo yesterday. He is fixed now. The problem is that he and Rokcy don't get along at all. Rocky has become viciuos toward him. They need to remain seperated at all times. I want to walk them together but cannot even get them close to one another. If I take Apollo back to the pound, I fear he will be killed. The humane society will not take him since we are not within their zoning area. I cannot let this go on since it is potentially dangerous for my six-year old son. I am hoping so a last-minute miracle. Please let me know if you know of any help!
Well, since the pound and the humane society won't take him, you could place an ad online or put up flyers. That is if all else fails.
As you know, you have two rather powerful dogs who are capable of killing or maiming each other. You say that Rocky is calm and submissive. What about additional training, and training for Apollo (separately, I would assume)? Which dog instigates the most, or are they equally guilty? Is it food- or toy-oriented? Territorial? Are they jealous affection hogs?
When they first met, Apollo was the aggressor. He fought over toys and food. I fed them seperately and removed all toys. Now Rocky seems to be the instigator. He isn't aggressive to other dogs. I don't really get how this happened. Should I try muzzling them and taking them on a long walk together?
Eek, I dunno. Hmm, other dog lovers should be around shortly (I never had 2 dogs at the same time, the pack thing isn't something I've had to deal with personally).
It does sound, though, like they're trying to establish dominance.
It is very difficult (read: impossible) to get two big males to stop being aggressive towards each other once they start. The smallest thing will set them off- like a crumb on the floor or both wanting to drink out of the same water bowl at the same time. I really think you should find a good loving home for the more recently added dog and make sure to tell the new owners that the dog does not play well with others.
I would suggest you contact for help.
I bet there's a rottie rescue center.....
Ah, here's a list of rescue centers for Rottweilers:
It is easiest to combine sexes when having two or more pets, i.e., a male and female. The male/male combination, especially with a boxer and rottie, is a dangerous mix!