Wed 7 Jun, 2006 06:57 pm
Does anyone have any knowledge of Vonnage? I've seen their advertisements and they sound a bit too good to be true for telephone service.
Any info would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Hopefully I've posted this in the right place.
My son uses it. I had it for a whoile but when they couldn't transfer my number I dropped it. That was the only problem I had with it. It's cheap and the sound quality is just as good as with a regular line.
No problem, Darlin'! How have you been?
They only thing you have to be aware of is that you will not have phone service if there is a power outage. There were also issues with 911, but they may be resolved. You or Misti should check that out before you buy. One other good thing is that you can take it with you if you move. All you need it an internet connection and it will work your phone. You need a router. If you don't have one they will supply it. Then you hook it up to your phone. I had it hooked up to my cordless phone that has another handset. I don't think there is any other way to have an extension.
Now I'm off to read up on what's going on with Rae. Ta!
Oh my god, Rae. I just read the other thread. How is your back? Did you have the bone scan?
Rae, if your "Deprovera" thread is any indication, your little mispelling of "Vonnage" will get A2K a passel o' new members... :-)
Also worried about you! Take care.
I have vonage.
First thing is you need an internet service provider other than the phone company. I have cable.
Vonage has a way to register your phone number for 911 calls. The purpose is to have the address pop for 911 operator when you call it so they don't have to ask where you are. It might not be available everywhere yet.
If your power goes out you lose phone service. Most people use powered phones these days so if power goes out they still lose phone service. You can prevent lose of phone service during temporary outages by putting your router and phone on a battery backup. You will also lose phone service if you have an internet service interuption. It's not a big problem if you already have a cell phone. There have been a few times I have had to reboot my router and/or cable modem. It's not bad if you understand that can happen and are capable of fixing it.
I haven't noticed in problems with phone quality. My wife complained a few times when we first got it but not lately.
If you expect to be able to pick up the phone and use it every time then internet phone might not be right for you. It's not as reliable as the regular phone service but if you are willing to trade off price for some minor inconvenience it isn't bad. (We haven't had any problems for the last couple of months.)
Sozlet's great, thanks!
And did you notice how I managed to misspell "mispelled"? Ah well. ;-)
These things take a while to wend their way through the hamster tubes, I bet we'll be getting a lot of traffic here sooner or later...
Take care!