Is A2K Losing Some of its Luster?

Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:32 pm
snood wrote:
Lash wrote:
Check the polls. Everybody DOES like his slam-everything-but-assume-everyone-appreciates-my cowboy-charm bullshit.

Take a lesson.

I can count on you for certain ****, can't I Lash? How's your imaginary ailment?

How bout a nice cold beer? Laughing Laughing
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:35 pm
Lash wrote:
snood wrote:
Lash wrote:
Check the polls. Everybody DOES like his slam-everything-but-assume-everyone-appreciates-my cowboy-charm bullshit.

Take a lesson.

I can count on you for certain ****, can't I Lash? How's your imaginary ailment?

How bout a nice cold beer? Laughing Laughing

Well, at least I can say we've established, with no ambiguity, the nature of our relationship.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:38 pm
I will always love the Kick no matter what.

I'm open to other points of view, than his or mine or yours.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:41 pm
I was just defending Momma, and I guess Lash was defending Kicky. I'll leave it at that.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:44 pm
The sniping is brand-new, of course...

For what it's worth, I think that:

- It's summertime.
- Craven is concentrating on the new site and unable to do some of the behind-the-scenes stuff that's we weren't aware of but keeps A2K going at the highest level.
- There is general anxiety about the new site and what's gonna happen that is expressing itself in a variety of ways.

I'm looking forward to seeing the thing, though of course I'm terribly curious about what to expect, hope Craven can stop by the "Heads up" thread with more details soon.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:54 pm
Note that its the old-timers who are doing the sniping... (just to point out explicitly what Soz so gently chose to merely tease at...)

Oldtimers sniping at each other but blaming the newbies for the site going to shite ... gotta love people Cool
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:00 pm
sozobe wrote:
There is general anxiety about the new site and what's gonna happen that is expressing itself in a variety of ways.

For us uniformed types, pray tell what new site is this? Is A2K going to get scrapped?
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:02 pm
Reyn, the announcement's here:

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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:11 pm
2003, nimh? NEWBIE!
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:22 pm
nimh wrote:
Note that its the old-timers who are doing the sniping... (just to point out explicitly what Soz so gently chose to merely tease at...)

Oldtimers sniping at each other but blaming the newbies for the site going to shite ... gotta love people Cool

Lash wrote:
A couple of months ago, everything was Christian, or just religionista....now, all the good topics are gay... No, really.

What happened to diversity, people!! What happened to the Orange Revolution, blatant whore mongering, current events, Craven's Netflix thread, BVT, why hasn't Kiwi started her travel thread, why hasn't osso shown us her new house!!???

What is happening to my little world???

What has ehBeth been doing???

Someone do something!!! It's the malaise!!!

This doesn't constitute me, at least, blaming noobs for anything, or for that matter, saying the site is ****.

Sort of a paranoid, shrill interpretation, really.

I complain of noobs occasionally...I whine about malaise cyclically, and I insult snood fortnightly. None of those things need be connected.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:23 pm
Heh :wink:
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:26 pm
(That was at Roger)

Lash, mine was a very general-meant remark... I mean, this is a thread in which oldies were complaining that these days, the site's so bad, and the newbies just dont have the intellekshual level anymore that used to distinguish A2K's hallowed halls... its all barbs and point-scoring nowadays ... yet lo and behold, its also oldies, of course, who end up sniping at each other in the same thread. Just shows how it's all a bit silly, really...
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:35 pm
Huh, I showed the new house, somewhere. Whatta dump. Worse since then, don't get me started.

'bout time to take some more photos.

Back with a link if I find it, Lash.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:39 pm
nimh wrote:
Oldtimers sniping at each other but blaming the newbies for the site going to shite ... gotta love people

I'm sure you can see why I chose to clarify.

Good, osso. I pined for pics!
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:48 pm
Just for the record, I never blamed any newcomers for anything - and certainly not the overall decline of A2K.

I just insult old hypochondriac drunks.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:53 pm

I really think in your case being a drunk would be an improvement.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:56 pm
snood wrote:
kickycan wrote:
I agree that the luster is off this stupid site. I think it started going downhill the day Momma Angel decided to try to make it into a faith-based, "I love Jesus" website. After that debacle, whenever I see a new religious person starting a thread about how great god is, I almost can't resist attacking mercilessly.

So maybe that's why it seems a little less friendly a place for certain people.

So, in summary, I blame Momma Angel and her flock of idiots.

Nothing personal. Laughing

If you're joking - and sometimes it's hard to tell - and if you know Momma Angel at all, you will know you're gonna hurt her feelings, so you're telling a mean joke. If you're not joking - which it sort of seems like - then let me say that you have very likely contributed just as much to the stench and drabness on A2K as anyone, with your slam-everything-but-assume-everyone-appreciates-my cowboy-charm bullshit.

And nothing personal Laughing

I'm not joking, and I don't care if I hurt anyone's feelings. And I also don't care what you think, even though I'd like to say that you're dead wrong about me. I don't slam everyone and everything. I'm just not afraid to say what I mean. Kind of like you with your macho black dude bullshit. But who cares? It's just a message board, after all.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 10:32 pm
Re: Is A2K Losing Some of its Luster?
Phoenix32890 wrote:
I have been posting on A2K since the beginning of the site. I have loved the intellectual level of many of its members, and always found many fascinating threads to which I became involved. Sometimes, A2K was TOO interesting, and I found that I was at the computer, tapping away on my keyboard, when I really should have been attending to other matters.

Recently though, I have found that except for a few of the diehard regulars, that A2K does not seem to be bringing in new members of the intellectual quality of past times. In addition, I am perceiving an attrition of many of the regulars, who have either left, of are posting on a less regular basis.

I know that it is not my imagination, as the traffic has decreased over the last few months:


Have you had a similar perception? If so, why do you think that this is happening? What do you think can be done to bring in some new "blood" of the high calibre of which we have become accustomed?

A2K traffic actually did drop then level last year, but that alexa graph isn't going to accurately show it (Alexa is only reliably accurate for about the top 100 sites on the internet, I could raise our ranking by a few thousand points over the weekend if I'd like and I've shown some private groups this in the past when I boosted it up to 5000s coming from off the charts in the span of 3 days).

See, when we were at our highest traffic ranking on Alexa we were actually at our lowest levels of traffic.

Alexa combines unique visitors with page views to acheive a traffic ranking. In the beginning we had a much higher pageviews/visit ratio because we had mostly regulars and fewer guests.

As A2K grew more popular we got more and more visitors who just land, see the info they were looking for and move on. This lowers our Alexa rank drastically even though traffic exploded and our reach multiplied.

During the last year, traffic dipped and leveled due to severe server load (slow most of the day) and the fact that I stopped innovating.

To me, the current A2K has completely lost it's luster from a technical standpoint.

But I'm back with a vengance, and the innovation coming is on a level A2K hasn't yet seen. Traffic will come if I keep innovating. And the innovation that is coming is on a different level.

Right now A2K is a collection of free software that I customized. When I started A2K I had only used a computer for about a year and barely knew how to make a site.

Now, I have learned much more. I am the director of web development for a multi-million dollar company and I'm remaking it all from scratch.

The next year is going to be a very different. I actually advise people who ask me about the site not to visit it in its current incarnation because what is coming is going to put this collection of scripts to shame (note: not initially, I'm launching pretty raw cause this collection of scripts is unstable).
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Craven de Kere
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 11:33 pm
Re: Is A2K Losing Some of its Luster?
Damn, having spent a couple years with my primary job being manipulating internet traffic I can't help but get sucked into your alexa geekiness nimh...

nimh wrote:

Yeah, true, I was going on intuition ... what, with increasing percentages of people in an increasing number of countries getting online, you'd have thought traffic would be continually expanding?


Google.com, is that just the English-language Google? Perhaps it's that just the American/Western traffic is levelling out now, as pretty much everyone who's gonna be online is now already? (I mean, levelling out in frequency, not in volume, cause with ever more people downloading audio, video etc that should still be going up and up.) That it is that all the new people getting online are now concentrated in non-English markets?

I have no idea...

It's pretty simple dude. The visitors aren't the only thing that grows. The destinations are growing in number as well. ;-)

nimh wrote:

(Yes, I realise that the graph seems to indicate that #7 and 8 actually have a higher traffic than # 5 and 6, but I swear, Alexa ranks Myspace as 5, and qq.com as #8)

<looks up>

Yeah, trippy. No, no evidence of the Internet ever growing ...


The alexa rank is a 3 month average. The end of the graph isn't reflected yet.

As to the internet growing, I don't get why you are trying to measure that through the alexa stats. Nothing they have in their free statistics will show you that growth.


But back to the ole "is site-x going downhill" internet staple...

A2K's luster to each individual will wax and wane for reasons that have nothing to do with A2K, just as it will with anything that they use more than is ideal to maintain allure.

Right now, I have a new tool/toy in the Motorola Q and it's the mobile device I've long been dreaming of. I make a living off the net and the more mobile I go the more fun and freedom I can have. I have new ways to communicate with others and am using it heavily in this first week of having it.

Thing is, I've done this gig before. I am perpetually wired with technology (ever heard of a P.A.N?) from work and personal work and have the most pda, the thinnest real laptop and previous versions of all these gadgets (been in this gig since I first used networked computing). I have a history of technolgy use and I know exactly what is going to happen.

At some point, the new tool will lose its luster, not literally as my "old" tools and toys are never scratched or anything, they are "like new". It will lose its luster not because of any change in the object, but because of changes in me, in my mind and my perception and in a few days I won't use it half as much and later still I will find it boring and it will just become the useful tool it is instead of the instantly-gratifying toy it's currently pulling double-duty as.

I personally think the current a2k sucks, but that's because I have changed. I even think some of the rules I helped write are ass-backwards. This relfects a change in me, not the site.

Others may be enjoying the heck out of it and such is life. As to the "site introspections", it's mostly a form of jonesing.....
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 11:51 pm
What the hell is "jonesing"?
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