I'm pretty technically-oriented but I can't see how if the remote has some operating problems that would have anything to do with the hookup to the dish on the roof. I'm not saying that something hasn't changed since the time satellite has come on-board but it could be coincidental. Has there been a power failure? If so, someting with the TV could have changed - such as a defective (intermittent) TV remote sensor.
I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around the off-and-on variability of the problem, espcially since replacing of the remote fixed it for awhile but then it reverted.
My best guesses are:
clean the remote business-end and your TV 'eye' remote sensor on TV regardless of not having any smokers and being in a non-dusty room /i]
make sure the remote's batteries are 100% fresh and totally secure in their contact inside the remote
If this is still happening, talk directly with customer support SUPERVISOR and tell them your problem with 4 calls but with no resolution yet. Even if it's your TV itself, I think they should be able to resolve this.
{EDIT} wait a minute: the satellite RECVR box has a remote to it. perhaps the remote control to the satellite box is defective or not operating correctly or the satellite box is defective. if they are having problems with a weak satellite signal to the box. you could be having issues there.
oy...next time I'll look at all the posts first before replying.
...and possibly the date on the first post as well ragman.
I know...that's what I was referring to.
I have the same issue with my dish remote, and it requires you to point it at an exact angle to get it to work. I have ruled out almost everything, and the possible culprits are the TV or my PS3, it is most likely that the display of my LCd or the PS3 is generating a similar wavelength as my remote which interferes with the remote signal. I also suspect that this signal is floating, so at times, this inte3rference doesnt happen. I have had my remote and receiver changed to no avail. My next line of action will be to try and convert my primary controller to the radio signal, since that is for my secondary room at this time.
Hope that helped..
Thank you very much everyone and especially Chai for that find of moving the antenna. I had this problem too and just went to the DVR and moved the antenna a little to the right, from 12 to about 2 o'clock position. Went to the bedroom with the second remote and it worked perfectly!
I see the post dates back to 2006 and its 2011 now and I'm having the same problem. It sounds like Dish Network still has the same crappy equipment and they are cheep because they don't want to give people a receiver for each room like DirecTV does. No one should have to go through all that trouble to get a TV to work
Alright alright I know this is gonna sound super ******* stupid but this works for me 100% of the time ha seriously it's stupid but anyways here it goes.
Ok so u all know that there are two IR sensors. One on the receiver and one on the remote. So what you do is put something over the IR sensor on the box. For example a sticker or piece of paper etc. And now there is no interference AT ALL! ******* miracle but hey it works! Let me know if this worked for u. If you have no clue what the IR sensors are there is one right under the lights on the receiver . The other is on the top of the remote. It looks like a black plastic cover. Good luck!!
I just fixed this issue by moving the antenna from 45 degrees to vertical, and moving all other wires away from it.