just came cross the website PHYSORG.COM for the first time .
it has a very interesting report on the scientific arctic explorations carried out during 2004 . a group of scientists aboard icebreakers sailed through the arctic and took many drillcore samples during that exploration . the first findings will now be puplished in the magazine NATURE .
scientists hope this will give them an insight into climate changes that took place in the past and might help them in making predictions of future climate changes .
of course , i don't have the scientific training or insight to understand all the detailed discoveries and predictions fully , but i think it's great that scientists are able to add to our knowledge of climate change .
from the article :
"A treasure trove of scientific data is revealing detailed information about conditions of subtropical warmth at the North Pole about 55 million years ago while also providing a window into the future, when greenhouse gases are expected to reach the same levels that caused Earth's ancient heat wave. "