Also, frogs don't sing solo--or even in duets. Frogs sing in glee clubs, choirs, choruses and ensembles.
Amphibians find arias unseemly.
I first read this thread a few dyas ago. I have heard people complain about morning birdsong before and wondered how anyone could be annoyed by it. I even had an uncle who shot a bird once for singing too early. Well, had I a gun two mornings ago, I might have done the same. I'd been moving until 3 am, then showered and finally fell asleep at around 3:30. At 4:30 am the psychotic bird started to sing. And didn't stop. I can sleep through, or around really, hammering, sawing, sirens, trains, airplanes and birdsong cacophony - but, this one spastic bird ruined the little sleep I got that night.
I guess I'm the odd one. I consider it an honor to listen to birds, no matter if day or night. A guy I used to work with used a pellet gun to silence them. Oh, well . . .
Edgar, I have never once before had any problem with any kind of bird noise while sleeping.
I'm sure you wouldn't do one any harm anyway, K.
Never in a million years.
Paen To the Mockingbird
FOR ho, there sings the mockinbird
In singular harmony
His sound bestirs my wakening heart
And announces dawn to me
Though gleefully he plies his song
Id sooner a songless lull
So hed light upon my open sill
And Id crush his phukkin skull.
timberlandko wrote:<chuckle> On noticing this thread title, I just hadda take a look; thought it might be directed at me

Funny, thats what I thought too
Yeah ... imagine my disappointment
Stray Cat - was the bird-frog silent tonight? It's too cold where I am for the tree frogs to be out and all is quiet. The last few nights have been very noisy.
Yes, Greenwitch, it is kinda chilly tonight. I haven't heard a peep out of him -- whatever he is!
nimh wrote:timberlandko wrote:Yeah ... imagine my disappointment

Imagine mine..

OOOOhhhhh.... yer gonna pay for that
Well, I haven't heard anything more from that dumbass bird.
I've become convinced that he was, in fact, a bird, even though I never got the chance to actually see him. The sounds he made, especially the "tweet, tweets" just sounded to ..... birdlike. I don't think a frog could have done it.
It was an interesting, albeit, annoying experience. I've never heard a bird that could do so many different bird calls. I really think he was a mockingbird.
Well, it's been pretty chilly up here in the northeast lately, so I think he finally got the hint, and flew south. Let's hope, anyway.
There was only one other time in my life when I heard a bird as annoying as that. I'll never forget it. It was back when I was in high school.
Every night, this stupid woodpecker would start up, just as I was trying to get to sleep. He do this dumb little whistle.....then you'd hear "dadadadadadadum...." a jackhammer. The same thing over and over.....whistle, whistle....dadadadadadadum.....
I remember telling my friends that if I ever found him, I'd tie his beak in a knot.
Night herons are pretty loud as a group, but they don't have quite the range of vocalization that you describe, stray cat, in my experience, and I don't know if they ever appear back in the eastern US.
the EXACT same thing is happening to me right now. 3 nights in a row. a variety of calls, a seemingly endless repertoire of calls that goes on from 1 am until the morning. at least 30 diffferent calls within a 10 mintue span. ive counted. its madness i tell you.
i can confirm that it is NOT a frog because i am in a dry part of san diego, and there are no frogs at this location. this is a mockingbird, and its a nightmare. i am tempted to have the tree removed because this is absolute hell.
OK, i just looked up a picture of a mockinbird, and to my surprise i photographed the same bird in my tree last week simply because i thought it was beautiful. what you are describing is most certainly a mockingbird. the calls continue unabated. when does this bird sleep? how is this physically possible?
good news is this part of san diego has a lot of red tailed hawks..surely they wont put up with this for long
We have a mockinbird that sits atop one of our chineys and sings into a fireplace. This echos and carries through that part of the house. The hell of it , is that he starts usually around 2 in the morning.
Still, I wouldnt harm an evil feather on its head. I like his creativity.
@Stray Cat,
There is a bird that lives in a small tree outside my window that sings all night long. Your story was almost word for word to what I have been dealing with. I have wondered for some time what kind of bird it could be. After mentioning it to my grandmother, who seems to know everything L0L she told me it was a mockingbird. I found your post while doing some research online and must say after reading it was amused. I realize this is a very old post but in an attempt to solve the mystery check this link and see if it fits.
I am glad you refreshed the thread, it was very amusing to read! It was definitely a mockingbird by the sounds of it. The ones around me have even learned to mimic car alarms. Extremely annoying at 1 AM, but I do love them.