Sat 27 May, 2006 05:18 pm
Hi Everyone
Still going with this one, having a few problems, can you help?
103d Take (revenge) ?X??T, should this be EXACT or EXERT?
Many thanks
Hi tigiie
Your word is "exact".
Think of inflict as suffering, to make somebody endure something, I was already thinking how I could exact revenge for what he had done.
Hope this clarifies it for you.
Hi Dutchy
Thank you for the answer of EXACT, it does make sense.
I just have one more to solve.
63d Government Loan Instalment, I have T?A?C?E
with 72a as SEASON
and 78a as CYCLIC
and 88a as OPEN ENDED
but seem to have gone wrong somewhere as nothing
seems to fit with T?A?C?E.
Many thanks
Hi Tigiie
Your word here is "tranche".
All your other words are correct. This was a particularly hard clue to solve, no wonder they call it the Demon.
Regards Dutchy
Hi Dutchy
Thank you for TRANCHE.
I love the Demon, it is my favourite although it can be
very hard at times.
I am now trying to finish the Stinker in the Colossus, am
down to all the hard ones.
Many thanks