Re: A rose by any other name
Tomkitten wrote:Yes, CalamityJane, it is customary in the US, but has really become so only in the last 2 or 3 decades. And it is a custom that is disliked by many.*
Unfortunately, when I emphasize my last name in an office but the receptionist calls me by my first name, I can get really annoyed. Then they give me a hurt look as if to say "what's wrong? Don't you want to be friends?" My answer (usually made privately, but I have been goaded to say it out loud once in a while) us "No, I'm here on business; this is not a social situation".
VERY many.
I can understand that, Tomkitten.
However, I always ask those in authority positions of any kind if I may call them by their first name.
"Hello. I am Doctor Johnson."
"Hi. May I call you Jason?".
"I'd prefer Doctor Johnson."
"Fine. -I'm having a problem with my..."
Some people use names to intimidate people. I hate that. It's one thing to prefer to be called by a more formal name. Preference is fine.
I find though that once I have asked - it can bring 'the man' down a few notches.
Kind of a way of saying "Listen buddy, you may be a doctor, but we're just two human beings dealing with each other. Don't pull no big man crap with me."
Working under others or dealing with others who are used to being called by titles........well, sometimes people let their heads get a bit too puffy.
I am not in any way accusing you, Tomkitten, of this. Your post just made me think of it.