I go by my first name Melissa.
Growing up, I hated my last name . Think corn flakes company..
I was called the flake, ( if only those kids knew how well that fit. ) Snap Crackle Pop, tiger, <sigh>
I used to vow, when I turned 18 I would change my last name.
As I got older, my mother and my grandmother before she died, began telling me the history of our names and how we are attached to the big name part of the family.
Only after I learned this history was I proud to have that name.
Now, as a semi-only when I wanna be adult, people still try to throw the side snicker about my last name. I strongly look them in the eyes and say " Yup, thats my name.. and also my family"
It is usually greeted with ooh's and aah's because everyone wants to meet someone famous in their lives and at that moment in time they are assuming I am one.
Kind of a good ego stroke.
If the conversation continues, I explain how far REMOVED I truly am, but none the less , am part of the family.
My first name has never gotten so much attention.
It means Honey Bee, or Sweet animal... depending on the translation.
it fits.. in certain circumstances.. '
but for the most part, I always wished for a more Unisex, or BOY-ish name.
For the longest time in high school, I adopted the name Ricky as a nickname/joke. Never panned out for me, but sure did for Ricky Lake.
Alot of times , people try to shorten my name and call me Mel.
That doesn't fly over very well with me.
In fact, there is only one person in the world who can get away with that and that is my best friend Sully.
I have no desire to
change my name, but at times I do sort of wish it were different..
Though, I have no clue what I would choose now.
Probally something very .. I don't know.. ....tribal?
Not something 'american-ized' like WhiteHorse, but if I were to delve deeper into the Cherokee nation's name history, I am sure I would find something.