Tue 23 May, 2006 10:26 am
For my opening stamen, I'd like to announce that this was the topic at the
29th Annual O Henry Pun-off.
OH! The pun-off, I missed it!
"Glad" you "rose" to the occasion.
I missed the bloomin' thing, too.
Leaf it to Chai to get in the first post.
You really have to put the petal to the metal to beat her!
I'm not sure whom to root for.
By holly, I'm lichen this!
Wheat woad I do without yew?
My clematis is all tingly (kudos to LordE).
That just makes me feel seedy.
I have spent most of the day rearranging and juggling my bulbs.
They must be lilac colored by now.
Yeah. He does that all the thyme, anyway. Lord, have you thought of taking up reed-ing?
He's probably hoping for some Utah ladyfingers or the very least,
a succulent