GRRRR Im sorry but Im breaking my own rule because spendi has once again shown that hes unaware of the Dover decision.
spendi says , with emphasisQuote:Judge Jones,in Dover, failed to give due weight to the fact that the school board had been elected.
WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONGJones spent49 pages of his 139 page decision9ABOUT 35% of his writing space) directly attacking the schoolboard and its twisted illegal mission, its "stealth means of election", its insincerity, and its one-minded goal to set up some sort of religious endorsement in the sciences. Had you read the actual decision, (as you stated to timber or set waaay many moons ago), you would have seen and (possibly) remembered that little fact .
On page 90, Jones describes the use of the Lemon test in this case as a means to "advance or inhibit religion" and "It created an excessive entanglement of the government with religion" (
LEMON. 403 US at 612-613)
Jones enumerated the Lemon Test interventions applied by the school board (which was elected on a platform of fiscal austerity alone)
As we recall, in this case, before Judge Jones rendered his opinion, the people spoke clearly in the elections, in that they removed the school board previously elected on the principals of fical austerity. The electorate felt cheated and hoodwinked so , in order to have their voices heard clearly, they voted out everybody who favored ID.
I know splendis memory is selective and focused, but these little facts have a habit of getting in the way . He often posts things as if he were knowledgeable , but, dear reader, remember what Adlai Stevenson said "Shouting is no substitute for thinking"