I'd love to give someone a belt in the mouth, but I'm afraid I'd be arrested and wind up in the tank.
I won't ever seam to be able afford to travel. Or sew inseams...
I like this thread. (Easiest . . . pun . . . ever.)
Hugo Boss someone else around. That kind of attitude doesn't fly here!
tin_sword_arthur wrote:I like this thread. (Easiest . . . pun . . . ever.)
Ooh, that pun went down smooth as silk.
Is this a dress rehearsal for the Stoppard play, "Jumpers"?
You loafers all seem devested of ambition.
Well, ya gotta parka lazy body somewhere.
firefly wrote:You loafers all seem devested of ambition.
I'll be brief. These britches of etiquette just won't be tolerated!
Wool you stay on track please?
Just pullover and take a deep breath!
By the way, I've forgotten your name. Would you please show me your cardigan?
It's warm in the office and I'm sweating.
I didn't realize you wear a sweater!
I hope you don't own pets. They could have fleece.
Isn't that against the law? You could be collared for that.
Around here they keep everything buttondowned pretty tight.
So I should zip my lip about that, huh?
Keep it on the down low. (My pathetic attempt at slang.)