I can understand ossobuco...but some people really do have the best interests of a breed in mind. The Border Terrier is one that has not gained the popularilty in this country to ruin it. Mainly because it looks like a "mutt"! And I mean that in a sweet way. They have less health problems because of it and their are many ethical breeders here and in the UK that promote for health and temperament, not just looks. They hold health clinics at the shows and do genetic and DNA testing.
Jespah, Coco is a Norfolk Terrier....smaller than a Border with shorter legs. The same handler that showed Coco is showing my Cairdie (Cairdean in Gaelic means male best friend!)
We just won Best of Breed today at a Terrier specialty. There is a couple that are really not good sportspeople. When you lose, you lose graciously and congratulate the winner. They loudly made nasty remarks about having been cheated and how rotten the judging was....then went up to us and our handler outside of the ring and were rude. So, yes, Farmerman, there are nuts in the dog show world, but you just don't pay attention.
The movie "Best In Show" is one of my favorites. I know almost everyone of the characters because they are OUT THERE! My girl friend is the woman that lost the squeaker toy and went nuts over it.

I don't think she is that bad, but she thinks she is.