Oh thanks for all the tips!
I'll be checking out those links LordE.
Asparagus beans are also known as dow gauk or Chinese long beans. They are supposed to grow pretty well around here, from what I've heard.
Actually just about anything can grow here - it is the idiot gardeners paradise.
I don't know any llama ranchers but there are several llama ranches near my house. I drive by them all the time! Perhaps I shall stop and ask for poop. Better yet, maybe I can talk Mr. B into letting me have a llama!! That would be fabulous. Do they need a lot of space? I have a biggish yard but I don't want to cramp an animals style.
Copious amounts of water is hardly a problem in Oregon. I hardly ever have to water my garden and really only in the summer which is pretty dry and has very long days. My garden seems to thrive on neglect.
Earthworms! Oh my gosh you should see our earthworms. They're practically snakes. There is actually a variety called the "Oregon giant earthworm"; we haven't found any of those in our yard yet but here is a good example of our typical garden worm, he was at least a foot long:
Today was clean up day. Yuck.
Usually the yard belongs to Mo and me but I've been begging to rip out the deck and put in a patio and that is Mr. B's domain. That meant doing instead of playing but everything looks pretty nice now.
I transplanted many of my newly hatched ferns into big whiskey barrels and even though I swore not to discuss decorative planting the effect was so nice I thought I'd include it.
Mr. B took off with Mo and so I sprayed weeds (I won't use any kind of chemical with Mo around) and put down some slug bait (pet, child and wild-life friendly) (they don't call this place slug town for nothing).
The only seeds I planted were for Tumbelina carrots and I put them in long skinny pots because it seemed like fun.
I finished the teepee for the long beans and made a nutty scarecrow on the top to it.
I came up with an idea for a herb garden table using some old retail display grid wall. I bummed a lot of tiny little square pots of my neighbor that should make the whole thing work. It will be a goofy thing but fun.
When it is sunny and 70 degrees the world seems like such a happy place.