Belligerently desined these ditties you see
To make us wrangle, wobble, and wee
In our pretty panties, sitting by the sea.
Me and thee and Annabelle Lee, Irish.
Look what just appeared from across the sea:
Top Portuguese wine producer switches to caps By Henrique Almeida
Wed Apr 19, 2:22 PM ET
LISBON (Reuters) - A top Portuguese wine maker has announced he is switching from corks to aluminum bottle caps, causing alarm in the world's biggest cork-producing country.
Miguel Champalimaud, owner of the Quinta do Cotto vineyard, said on Wednesday some critics had even accused him of lack of patriotism by moving to screw caps.
"Today a cork is more expensive than a liter of wine. We have become cork salesmen instead of wine sellers," Champalimaud told Reuters.
God, I have to laugh remembering Francis' remark to dys.
This is a truly horrible thread. I am sick and upset. I will not sleep well tonight. Chelsea and Mourhino are the most despicable bunch of parasitic organ muching fecal debris smelling creepy crawlies that ever infected the noble game. By comparison they make the belligerent creator seem quite well disposed to mankind.
Ah....but s/he who made the lamb made them....
No...WE make mint sauce...IF we eat the poor little lambies..
Letty, what the hell did Francis say to Dys, dammit?
When I eat lamb burgers, I am glad She made mint sauce.
Glad I say.
What about liver flukes, ebola, hydatid tapeworms, elephantiasis etc?
Is this the thread where the bunny talks like little k?
How about the little CANDIRU catfish of the Amazon R.? This little parasite fish is said to be urophilic. If you are swimming in the Amazon basin the little fella wil find you and swim up your buh-gina. and cause all kinds of discomfort by feeding on mucosa. You cant pull imout.Hes too small and hes got pelvic and anal spines that he just spreads out and wedges himself right in there till hes fully satisfied (and I hear these guys are never satisfied)
Lord hear our prayer
Where does THAT thing go in MEN?
(Covering ears)
Up the pennii pasta. They arent really certain about attacks on gys. because guys who lose their schlongs in the Amazon have usually had them removed by piranha.
I nominate mosquitos as definitive proof of belligerent design.
And march flies, and bott flies...