Rimmer Directive? Yes, rimming is best done with the teeth out. (Gadzooks, I didnae just type that...)
Rabbit with her fangs on you!
Rabbit may walk away with a tangible piece of memory herself!
Nah not if she is nuked, she won't even be able to smeggin crawl back into her little warren
Microwaving a rabbit is such a shame. Slow roast under a foil hat with onions, carrots, and baby taters is the only way.
(re: a few posts back: "al dente" -- and be done with it)
Aiiight, i'm switching sides. Watch my smegging fangs too Mistah! After all, I am looking to pick up a fight these days - we have been advised to do so.
I'll give all of you al dente! All of them dents will be biting your behinds!
Careful, boys: she's been deputized (and's applying an industrial dentrifice that'll surely be to the detriment of our d-something or other)...
Dassright! Fully deputized and right now armed with a bad cold too. I cough on you all!
Hide your weemin and your rabbeets! El Dente's in town!!
Have you ever had a good cold, dag?
yeh well chew on this sister !
An earlier post said about a restaurant that prohibited concealed weapons, presumably if you take them out and show them that's OK !
Round of kisses for everyone! La Dentette.
Slovacia, you said Dagnar, not Romania?
We're all one big family, Walter.
Toothy Magyars! Get the wooden stakes!
Mmmmmmmmm, steak.
mmmm, steak. and potatoes, don't forget thepotatoes. i guess you have revealed my weakness :-(