Thou hast tied unkindness, like a sharp tooth'd owlet, here! (points dramatically to breast...)
You will be there if we have an Oz get togeether, eh? Does it count if it is just margo, msolga, maybe moony, stagnant pondscum, and moi?
Hmmm - long enough for me to exercise more, get littler, get some really good clothes, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Margo is going overseas...hmmmmmmm - wonder when pondy would be less scummy....decisions, decisions,....
have you spoken to the goddamn robot yet, Pueo?
Heehee - look at the top of the page - and click "Talk to Alicia"
better still, Craven wants real conversations for her - we should chat, record it, and give it to craven to give to Alicia!
She sounds like Craven, at present - we could make her circuits whizz!
So all this cavorting over in OZ, should I be jealous ?
i'm not just an ordinary bastid. i'm a smegging bastid!
Well I'm certainly glad that's clarified.
so what goes on in this place? swearing, cussing, and ripping on wabbits??
What barbarian could possibly be badgered into beating a bunny?
When I was apprenticing up at Eiginsinn Farm, Michael Stadtlander's world-reknowned restaurant/farm, a wabbit got free in the middle of the night and injured itself somewhat badly trying to escape the barn (they were free-range wabbits). In the morning, Michael called me over, and brought us 2 beers. "Well..." he said "it is sad, but the rabbit is hurt." He downed some beer. "It is the cycle of life..." He downed some more beer. "There really is only one thing to do." He finished his beer and promptly clubbed the injured bunny on the head with the empty bottle to put it out of it's misery. Then I watched him skin it, and man....we ate well that night.
I was wondering if I could show ya - how big a bas'tid
I could be???????????? HAR
Oh dear!
cav - that beast let the bunny suffer until he had drunk his beer!