How could we forget to mention our waterclogged British spy? (Bound to happen, living on that tiny speck of an island

The spy who loved me in the bathtub - A true classic, which features in no particular order, spies, love, and bathtubs
Never say never again in the bathtub - This is the movie that was reputedly shot after the spy was sooo tired of loving James Bond in the bathtub, she proclaimed : Never again! She has a cameo in this movie... loving James in a bathtub.
License to kill in the bathtub - A rule implemented due to sanitary considerations... It's so hard getting blood out of a carpet. The main problem for Bond is getting the bad guy into the bathtub. Too bad the spy isn't there to entice the bad guy to enter the trap.
Diamonds are forever in the bathtub - Yes ladies, you heard it right. The rocks decorating your wedding rings? Just cheap knock offs... For the real stuff, you gotta go to the (right) bathtub.
Octopussy in the bathtub - Because well, really, how could she exist outside of one?