littlek wrote:CJ - protesting whatever. When I feel helpless - when letter writing, petition signing and voting don't get anywhere, it makes me feel better. <shrug> my perogative really.
Amigo - so, what do you think of the guest worker legislation?
Peoples labour is a "force of production" Just like a tractor or a or a drill press. So people become a force of production. Peoples labour is a commodity traded as a force of production.
If Corporate America can get unrepresented (No workers rights, No right to vote, No social Security) labor they can get it cheaper. Illegal aliens don't complain, They can't sue you, They can't vote on working conditions.
So why hire the pesky American citizens whos fathers fought wars to secure the rights and representation for future generations.
So the government can't come out and say "American citizens are to expensive and they have to many rights and we don't want to pay social security" They just make sure that the border Is wide open for an invasion of a foreign Labour force because they can't pass a policy that would sell out America so the do it behind their backs.
I have not looked at the guest worker legislation. But I would guess it is the same policy on paper. Which is unrepresented labour in place of represented labour of the American citizen.
This mess was not created by the "Illegal alien" it was created by those Americans that sell out their own country for a buck and it goes all the way to the presidency.