Fri 31 Mar, 2006 03:25 pm
It's that time of year again! Time to set our clocks one hour ahead this Sunday!
Don't forget, or you'll be late! :wink:
We did ours LAST Sunday.
Ner ner ner ner.
Lord Ellpus wrote:We did ours LAST Sunday.
Ner ner ner ner.
Let me revise.
Anyone in the US needs to set the clocks forward this Sunday!
Thanks for the reminder.
Later sunset = good.
Later bedtime = not good. (Sozlet's bedtime was already late, an extra hour pushes it into holy moly its late...)
Not just anyone in the US either - Arizona, for example.
I love it. The sun won't set here in July until around 10:30 at night. No fireworks until at least 11:00 on the 4th.
And just to confuse you all,
some of the Australian states turned their clocks back last weekend,
and some like mine, do that tonight.
If you keep turning them back, you might get back some of your rights.
Here's a question for you all. My cat has been diabetic for years, but I still have to think through the dosing time during the time changes. I have to shoot him every 12 hours, as exactly as I can. I'm not supposed to be off by more than one hour, so it's important to get the timing right during the change. Do you all follow?
So, If I shoot him at 11pm saturday night do I shoot him at 10 am or 12 pm on sunday?
I'm the wrong person to ask. I screwed up on this turning clocks question a while back, to my own amazement. I thought I had it down cold.
But, yeh, spring ahead..
I'm sure it would be 10:00 a.m., littlek. I think of it in terms of losing an hour's sleep once a year. I would like to think of getting it back later, but it never seems to work.
Sometimes, I think of it as cutting off a piece of string and tying the piece on the other end, to make a longer piece of string. Half a year ago, someone, Reyn, I believe, asked why we didn't use daylight savings all year if it's really all that great.
personally, I think DLS sucks. I'd love to see it abolished. BUT, that won't be happening, I see, so I have to learn to live with it. 10 am, you say? I'll inevitably work it out on my own, but I do think you're right.
Littlek.... It would be 12:00 pm.
Think in terms of starting at 11:00 pm and looking ahead 12 hours. That would be 11:00 am. Since you turned the clock ahead 1 hour...what would have been 11:00 am is now 12:00 pm on the clock.
Indiana doesn't change either. It's on their license plates - The ScrewYou State.
It's also time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Re: Spring Forward
Bella Dea wrote:It's that time of year again! Time to set our clocks one hour ahead this Sunday!
Don't forget, or you'll be late! :wink:
No, Bella, it's time (in less than 2 hours) to set them
back again! And to change the batteries in our smoke alarms. (They're training us to do it at the same time.)
BTW, voting for the 12 Noon cat dosing/shooting schedule.