Lots of flapping going on on the deck in Manhattan.
One of the kids went to the back of the enclosure and rushed forward, flap flap flapping.
I hope he's still on deck when the camera angle changes. I don't think he was flapping quite fast enough yet.
looks like someone just brought a snack home
Supper time in NY and PA. Feh pooh. Or mmmmmm.
How are thy going to fly? They all look like beached fuzzy walruses.
They need to work out instead of lying about in pools of their own feces.
Ill never eat grits again
Farmerman's Coat Of Arms features a well-fed, cynical & suffering, golden carp.
Thats a KOI to you Pokonokians
June 1 12:48PM
No one home in New York.
It's two weeks earlier than in 2006. ( I checked)
Joe(maybe out of camera range?)Nation
Whatever the name, you're a fine kettle of fish.
what a raggy bunch of buzzrds. I hope that they soon lose those tufts of down and get some decent feathers.
Also, they need to start looking for a job. Rats dont grow on trees
I wish they would turn the top camera .
I hate missing squabfeast.
Joe(erp) nation
whats an erp ? , and why would they feature an erp commercial?
Four large birds in NYC. It's getting hard to distinguish the parents from the kids.
Lots of miscellaneous wings littered about in PA. Woe is the pigeon.
Oh, this is the time that parents dread. Theyre Flapping. (Its like a learners pemit, you know that theyre gonna kill themselves)
Its raining so the DEP building in Harrisburg is coated with a fine lather of feather and excremental sludge. Gaack.
I imagine Fman, on a ladder, with a broom and dustbuster cleaning up all of those nasty nesting ledges.
I dont know bout NYC Beth, but the HArrisburg building is the state HQ for the hazardous and Toxic chemicals cleanup division and all the nasty divisions of the state Dept of Environmental Protection. I hope they barracade the pavement around the building and then power wash the nest site, otherwise DEP will lose lots of credibility when they make some poor schmuck clean up his chemical spill.
Maybe I just shouldnt concern myself with falcon **** and pigeon pomace.
You are a man of broad interests and varied enthusiasms.
QUIET!, Im eating strawberries in sweet cream, and these are not those cardboard flavored strawberries that they grow in California. These are sweet and tangy at the same time. Its a perfect strawberry year.
Dont talk to me of birdshit and feathers
Someone was having a solitary breakfast this morning at 5:30.
These chicks this year seem to have had more and better things to eat than in previous years, but that could be my imagination.
I may be getting used to this nature thing, the natural, cruel and unfeeling, that's me thinking about the missing chicks and not feeling bad about them being gone. Nature is a terrific culler, I'm glad she hasn't taken a look at me lately.
Joe(Hmmm say she, need to pluck some of these grayer heads out)Nation
Where is the fourth chick in PA? Oy.
I think they have flown in New York.
Joe (but I have been wrong before)Nation