Tue 28 Mar, 2006 05:18 pm
I haven't worn it for a while but I'm starting to get freaked out by my phone.
I HATE cel phones and I have happily lived without one for many years. Right now I have to have one. Not only that, I have to leave the damned thing turned on. And not only that, I actually have to answer it.
A couple of times a day it will ring and when I answer it does this weird little three tone blip deal.
That's it: blip-blip-blip from an unknown caller.
Okay.... one other thing. Usually my phone goes "ring ring" like a real phone but when these calls come through it plays this stange little bullfight type music.
I think it might be Martians.
Or Canadians.
Or maybe bull fighters.
Why are these people blipping at me?
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Thats what Canadian, bullfighting, martians do.
I think Stephen Kings new book Cell will answer this question for you.
So do you think that the Canadian bullfighting martians own an advertising agency?
I'm thinking of one of those "Halloween" movies where someone made a commercial that played a little song, flashed pictures of a pumpkin and the kid seeing the ad would fall over dead (or just become a brainwashed zombie - I can't remember which).
I'm thinking the blip-blip-blip might be trying to (A) Kill me or (B) Brainwash me.
Those Canadians are tricky what with their igloos and all....
You just about summed up the plot to Cell.
If there is one thing to fear it is brainwashing, igloo dwelling, bullfighting, Canadian martians and somehow Djjd got a picture and lived to tell about it.
I lean toward the pirate shaped tinfoil hat myself, seems to have superior wave blocking ablilities....I did try a fez style once...but honestly I just felt stupid.
A hat might not be enough.
sublime1 wrote:and somehow Djjd got a picture and lived to tell about it.
ummm, i'm canadian
but keep that under your tinfoil hat
sublime1 wrote:You just about summed up the plot to Cell.
And here I sit trying to figure out how to get a third meal out of that damn chicken!
I need to put my paranoia to work.
Or at least learn to be a quicker thief.
Or change my name to Stephan Kang.
It's not a text message or voice mail notification, is it?
Ummmm.... errrrr..... uhhhh......
I don't do text message stuff but voice mail is within my competency sphere.
But wouldn't I get a phone call first?
This is just out of the blue.
I carry the idiotic thing in my pocket. It rings and vibrates to snap me out of whatever stupor I might be in. You'd think I'd know if someone had called and that I would have answered it before it went to voice mail.
One can get new voicemail without the phone ringing. I have two customers where I have no signal inside the building; if I walk outside and get the voicemail alert.
Okay.... I managed to get the phone number written down .... 800-784-6956 - The Westgate Resorts Reservations Hotline.
So why the blip-blip-blip?
2PacksAday wrote:I lean toward the pirate shaped tinfoil hat myself, seems to have superior wave blocking ablilities....I did try a fez style once...but honestly I just felt stupid.
I laughed out loud and now everyone here thinks I am nuts...which is kinda nice since that gives me liberty to wear this pirate tin foil hat without people thinking I am any more crazy than they already do.
I shouldn't say this because nobody likes "that guy" that laughs at his own jokes...but I was giggling pretty hard when I pushed send on that one.