Variable speed of light? I like that!
Do angels travel at the speed of light - or whatever speed they like?
speed of thought, perhaps
Angels carpool, so they travel a trifle (truffle a tribble) faster than the rest of us pathetic slobs, puttering along listening to smooth jazz or endless well-meaning but boring-as-hell NPR newscasts while our little rice burners or giant ancient-forest-burning bohemoths spew various carbon combustion particles into the air so that we can look forward to sunning ourselves on the suddenly fair banks of Fairbanks watching our fattening 401Ks turn belly up like the desemenated/ovulated salmon after the horny rush to spawn in shallow spermy waters...
I'm sorry, what was the question?
HA! At last! Someone who agrees with me about the real top speed in the universe!
Not the speed with which action potentials move along neurones and synapses, I presume, but the speed with which our thoughts can move from our own bums to the farthest far away galaxy!
I get a variable speed of light every time a bulb is about to blow...
You can't HANDLE the question!
I can HANDLE the question.
It is said that eternity will begin when a mountain completely erodes after have one angel wing beat it every 600 years.
This means angel wings do have eroding power (albeit very limited). So it is fair to say that if you put many of them in the head of a needle, some erosion is to be made, regardless of their actual size, specially if they're dancing.
Some angels are known for playing trumpets, so I think they, at the very least, have some sort of musical sensibility. Of course, they may rather be players and listeners than dancers. But they're supposed to have grace. Gracious beings do dance.
What strikes me the most is the posibility of choosing the head of a needle as a ball room. I've wondered about it while putting needle heads under the fire of a lighter. I've wondered if there have been charred angels in the punctures I've made.
No, no - they dance on the HEAD of a pin, or the POINT of a needle (though what be the point of the DANCING there is begged, but I digress) - Fbaezer - I fear you are a barbecuer of angels!
I fear for your future....
BBQ angel = Singed wings methinks
dlowan wrote:HA! At last! the speed with which our thoughts can move from our own bums.
You doin' prunes again, bunny? :wink:
You are so EARTHY, easyBeth!
Crap, now I understand why those punctures take so long!
I was doing it the wrong way.
Once there was an angel
With a halo 'round her head
She said she'd been a living soul
I guess that means she's dead.
She tried to tell what Heavan's like
About the Heavanly host
But I'm a supersticious type
I won't listen to a ghost.
There were some smegging angels
Who liked to dance on smegging pins
No one could count their number though
Cuz those angels danced like conjoined twins
Can I dance with them smegging angels as well ?
Monger - at least Craven won't be killing THEM with 22s!!!
Gautam - dance with the smegging angels, swim with the smegging fishes - whatever floats your boat!
SealPoet's boat is floated
By young, fat, furry seals.
He gets them drunk, well-fed, and bloated
On surströmming and eels.