Greenwich wrote:
Quote:I'm a hardcore Voluntary Simplicity groupie and if I can get my act together I'll put up a thread on Food & Drink with some ideas and we can all give our frugal tips.
Greenwich, I hope you do that, I'd love to see a thread like that. I've thought about doing a thread like that too -- something about eating healthy, and we could all exchange recipes.
Healthy food is not only affordable, it can be also
taste good. There is such a thing as healthy "comfort" food. In fact, when you get used to eating healthy, you start craving healthier foods.
People may say they can't afford it, but the fact is you can buy fresh or frozen vegetables pretty cheap -- for less money than it would take to buy a Big Mac and fries (that greasy food kept warm under a heat lamp, blech!)
You can always freeze things like soups and casseroles and reheat them if you are too tired to make something from scratch after a long day. So healthy food can be also be convenient.
I'm trying to get away from buying processed foods too. I made a casserole the other night that called for cheddar cheese and instead of buying the processed crap, I bought "real" cheddar. No more expensive that the processed stuff, and much better taste.
Man, this is such a great subject! I hope someone starts a thread about this in Food & Drink soon!