I am looking for an answer to a big question. I am trying to find a way to record digital video directly frommy TV to my computer. The only problem is, I need a good, cost efficent way to do it. I take that back, the bigger problem is, there is a 200 foot distance gap between the TV and the computer. It's literally across the house.
My only solution was there was no cost efficent way to go about it...until today. I remembered I owned a
JVC GR-DVF31 Video Camcorder. Now, looking at it, the only RCA Composite ports are output ports and the only real input port is a digital input. (You know, the one that looks like a tophat turned sideways.) I have a very limited amount of electronics knowledge and wondered if anyone here could help me. Is there a way to record what I'm watching on TV directly to the video camera through that DV Input? If yes, what sort of adapter should I buy. If no, are there any other solutions for solving the 200 foot gap that is causing me so much trouble. I am willing to buy a capture card for my computer and a wire to run the 200 feet but I feel there would be to much noise and would not be worth the investment. Thanks in advance for anyone who helps me. :-)