Potholes, potholes. Easily 60 potholes to a mile.
59 redtailed hawks cleaning up the roadkill for a quick snack (er, sorry that was morbid, but I did see one last night on the drive home).
So todays the day...the day sun starts heading north. Well up here waiting. "The music of spring is in the air and it sounds like a drip !"
58 students ready for break
57 explanations of tuck-pointing (getcher mind outta the gutter):
56 crush threads
55 reminders to lose weight before swimsuit season
54 blades of new grass eaten by a small dog in the early morning
<prepare for cleanup in aisle four

53 green scallions, the first of the season.
52 packs of marshmallow peeps bought and opened to get deliciously stale.
51 pasty-legged joggers in t-shirts and shorts.
(I was the old, slow, fat guy in the green shorts.)
50 indelible stains on a small pink winter coat that will hopefully never be worn again...
49 potbellied lawn jockeys, lined up at Sears to test drive the new garden tractors.
47 fine, fat voles, gorged on crocus bulbs.
46 trips to the closet to take stock of last year's spring wardrobe.
45 doomed March moths who climbed out of their cocoons with undue optimism.
44 bags of leaves to bag after raking out the flower beds.