79 shovels still sitting outside just in case
79 tulip tips, poking through the soil
(You guys up north better hurry up...we won't finish the countdown in time for Spring here at this rate!)
78 flyers that flew out of the mailbox and got stuck in the leaf mold waiting to be picked up
77 tons of salt still waiting to be dumped on the road.
76 teenage girls wearing bomber jackets over tiny skirts and frozen legs.
77 umbrellas opened to the pre-Spring showers.
ehBeth wrote:76 teenage girls wearing bomber jackets over tiny skirts and frozen legs.
75% chance of freezing rain today (again).
74 pond-hockey leagues playing their final games
73% markdown on buy-buy winter bargains.
72 rags laundered on Spring Cleaning Day
71 (minus 31) for the high today... and rising all week long
70 spaces in the shopping center, marked only by winter-worn lines
69 (what a great number) jackets to hide in my closet
68 kids going out underdressed
"I'm fine, Ma! I don't need a jacket!"
67 boxes of baseballs ready to be opened.
66 puddles in the backyard
65 degrees is the high today (really)
mrs hamburger sitting on the front porch of # 64 <really!> watching for hostas to peek through the snow melt.
63 shopping carts being hosed down in the supermarket parking lot.
With the warmer weather (eventually) there will be 62 things to do around the home.
61 flyers in the mailbox for tuck-pointing