I heard mention that freeduck lost her avatar. Would someone be kind enough to pass this on to her....
Not her old image, but it would fit her personality. As well as this one....
Now, regarding dlowan's inquiry on dreams and jokes therein: I've had that happen once. I was playing golf in my dream and my ball rolled into a pond. It rolled in at a fairly slow pace, so I felt I would have a good chance to recover it. As I probed around the murky water, trying to extract the missing ball, a snapping turtle's head emerged from the water and he said, "Did you hear the one about the missing golf ball? The orange grove captivates the pirate."
Then his beak (or whatever you called that damn turtle thing) started rapidly going up and down, clacking as it did, and the turtle guffawed several times before disappearing beneath the water's surface.
I sat on the bank, scratching my head and wondering what the hell that meant and, like what happened to dlowan, my alarm clock went off. I'm sure there were remnants of the dream shattered and disposed of forever by the intrusive clock, but I still wonder about that joke to this day.