Wed 22 Feb, 2006 04:16 pm
Ok...dreams are weird, by definition, and mine are weirder. Like...I am used to dreaming whole music theatre pieces, with plots, sub plots and songs, or films noir, whatever.
But, the other night, I had characters in a car (one assumes all aspects of me, or my life) indulging in witty repartee...and one of them made a joke, based on the similarity of an English word to a Latin word, meaning something quite different. (I can't remember the words, and, doubtless, both were nonsense)...but, I, the watching consciousness, did not get the joke.
One of the characters obligingly broke from the narrative and wrote it down for me, and tried to explain it, but I still didn't get it...but I was too embarrassed to say so, so, like the auditors of the naked emperor, my watching consciousness laughed weakly, and retreated into the background, to be aware of the rest of the dream.
This odd piece of business was rescued from oblivion by the clamour of my alarm, to emerge and cause bemused reflection this morning.
Do you ever tell jokes in your dreams that you do not get?
SAY something, you two secret voters!
It's usually after I wake up that I don't get them.
But your dream is rich with symbolism. You don't get yourself. Ha ha haha.
Says a goddamn duck with a dumb christmas hat on.
It's always Christmas in my mind. Don't you get it? It's... nevermind.
What is sadder, a Duck in a christmas hat, or a turkey inviting friends over to celebrate thanksgiving?
I always say they should wait until passover to celebrate ANYTHING.
I'd take off the hat, but I can't find my old image. Which means I have to find a new one. You know how that goes...
Have you consider seeking medical help?
sometimes being a smarty-pants just doesn't pay ... go have a bath
How about murder mysteries, where the subplots become so complex that I just get out a lounge chair and stare at the ocean? Then, of course, I have to start again and finally catch the one responsible.
Lately, I've been calling in CSI to do the forensics.
The other night I actually dreamed I was reading a thread here, and someone posted...
"now Chai Tea is going to come along and ruin it for everyone"
oh dear....
Chai Tea wrote:The other night I actually dreamed I was reading a thread here, and someone posted...
"now Chai Tea is going to come along and ruin it for everyone"
oh dear....
Diane wrote:How about murder mysteries, where the subplots become so complex that I just get out a lounge chair and stare at the ocean? Then, of course, I have to start again and finally catch the one responsible.
Lately, I've been calling in CSI to do the forensics.
You have a lounge chair and CSI in your dreams?
stevewonder wrote:Have you consider seeking medical help?

Do they have dream doctors who explain Latin? Like...IN the dream?
ehBeth wrote:sometimes being a smarty-pants just doesn't pay ... go have a bath
Whom on earth do you think you are addressing, Short stuff?
Opps, forgot to say that the whodunit took place at a beautiful ocean front estate, with adirondack chairs on the front lawn.
Too many characters, I figured let CSI do the work and I'll do the handcuffing. Love those handcuffs.
I'm taller than ehBeth. Hah.
I have had dreams in which some character explains something new to me that I eventually am able to understand. I can't think of any examples, but I remember waking up and thinking how odd it was... wondering how it is possible to dream something like that.
No jokes, that I can recall. But sometimes I wake myself up laughing.
My dreams usually flow from my paramedical paramilitary discharge, I am still recovering from the dishonorable part.
I have a kangaroo here, is it from your top paddock.
Diane wrote:Opps, forgot to say that the whodunit took place at a beautiful ocean front estate, with adirondack chairs on the front lawn.
Too many characters, I figured let CSI do the work and I'll do the handcuffing. Love those handcuffs.
I'm taller than ehBeth. Hah.
Who isn't?
echi wrote:I have had dreams in which some character explains something new to me that I eventually am able to understand. I can't think of any examples, but I remember waking up and thinking how odd it was... wondering how it is possible to dream something like that.
No jokes, that I can recall. But sometimes I wake myself up laughing.
Sounds like you're close to the joke thing...
Do you still understand when you wake up?
Chumly wrote:My dreams usually flow from my paramedical paramilitary discharge, I am still recovering from the dishonorable part.
Was it paradishonourable? That would be more up to par, wouldn't it?
dadpad wrote:Dlowan
I have a kangaroo here, is it from your top paddock.
Were there any in yours a while back?
dadpad wrote:Dlowan
I have a kangaroo here, is it from your top paddock.

got a good giggle here.
I'm taller than Eh-Beth, too!
Re: A 'Dreaming Jokes I Cannot "Get" ' Digression.
dlowan wrote:Do you ever tell jokes in your dreams that you do not get?
yes, as do the people in them.
sometimes i laugh at the dream jokes, which immediately wakes me up...