Sun 27 Apr, 2003 08:08 pm
Hopefully, most of you have been introduced to Lacey ~ world's greatest kitty!!!!!
I'm here to praise her now.
This cat loves me ~ I don't know why, and I try not to question it.
She greets me when I come home from work ~ usually by wiping the sleep out of her eyes.....but yacking up a storm nonetheless. When I go out to the porch to smoke, she is on my lap immediately.
A few nights ago, I woke up at 3 a.m. with acid indegestion ~ Lacey realised I was awake, jumped up onto my stomach and began kneading the exact spot that hurt ~ I fell asleep propped up on pillows, with Lacey on my stomach, my hand on her back.
I love my cat!
What does your cat do for you?
For one thing, one of them helps by having a toilet paper fetish. Per fishin's suggestion on another thread, I tried setting it up with the paper rolling down off the back. Whichever one it is is still helping. I suspect Barney.
Do? They drop endless donations of fur which I must sweep, vacuum, brush, roll and mitt up, constantly.
Oscar sometimes poohs on my bed - or wipes his bottom on the carpet.
Oscar vomits a lot.
Oscar kindly comes to the loo with me, and tries to jump in my lap.
Miranda and Oscar try to sit on me whenever I sit.
They share all household tasks with me - up close and personal - tripping me, distracting me, jumping in little dirt piles, taking away instruction.
If I leave food out, they steal it.
They break precious things when they play.
They try to pee in the potplants.
They greet me when I come home - so I have to change into rags to preserve my work-clothes. This means I always look disgusting when friends drop by unexpectedly.
Since my son is alergic to cats I haven't had one in a long time, but I do remember my cat Menu who I had for 15 years. She would sleep with me on my pillow amd was the best friend I ever had.
Now, I wasn't a cat person at all, till a few years ago when some outdoor cats adopted me and my family. They ended up having a litter that we took in, one cat from that group, found another cat and had another litter...and so, I'm a cat person...
...That's what they did for me, made me love them inspite of my general dislike for their species...I love my cats, not all cats...
Me too, Lorna! Love MY cat.....not all!
Sorry Debs!
Montana ~ 'Menu'? You're gonna have to explain that name!
Rog ~ Barney can do no wrong.
Sorry? YOU don't cover me with fur, crap on me bed and such, do you? heehee
I will come back and write about the good things they do later!
Well, we all love your cat, Rae, and your moms cat too, paddy( even tho that thing's a bit of a nucking fut, just like our nisse!)
But then, I think it's the diversity of having two cats that is giving me the greatest joy. They're sooo different, and that can sometimes be really funny! :-p
Nucking fut? Awww man! Paddy is gonna love that one!
He actually eyed my lap longingly yesterday.....but never got the nerve to jump up. Soon. Maybe.
Oh, who am I kiddin! He's never gonna be mushy!
Menu sounds like meenoo any rymes with emu.
It's a French thing like my bunny Foo Foo, LOL!
Each morning Poly makes me smile. When I say Good morning, he says Yow. We can continue the back and forth until his breakfast is forthcoming. Well, it's not polite to talk with a full mouth.
Hello, welcome nextone...though I am a bit late in saying hi.
I am crazy about cats and am 4+ allergic to them. I am in a state of cat relief right now, but you never know. Am presently having all I can do with my avatar dog, Mr. Hair on Feet.
I went to NY last week and took some pictures. Interestingly, the animals were all dogs. Well, NY dogs do strut..but I don't think I saw any cats last week...hmmm. I guess they are not so safe there outside at all.
Didn't see feral cats though...hmmm, does NY have ratsies?
Rae, I think Paddy will jump up on your lap pretty soon. Maybe he won't be as mushy as Lacey - but still.
Nisse and Mysan keep me company in the evening when BigDice is working. Mysan waits at the door when I come home - well, most days anyway. Mysan sleeps in my arms and Nisse sleeps at my feet keeping them warm. Very nice. Of course, then Nisse doesn't want to sleep anymore in the middle of the night and tries to wake up everybody else.
Mysan sometimes vomits on the nice red carpet we have in our kitchen. They decorate everything with hair. Yesterday, we had a dinner guest and when I gave him a cup of coffee it was of course with cat hair. Embarrassing!
And they love us and trust us.
Menu.....okay.....makes some sense now! Thanks, Montana!
Welcome nextone! My Mom and Paddy have the same discussion you and Poly do several times a day.....One of these days I'm gonna get it on tape and find a way to share it with everyone here!
ossobuco ~ sorry to hear about your allergy! I'll hug Lacey for you today, okay?
Lacey, by the way, won't be a happy little girl on Friday ~ going to the vet to get her shots. I've been getting upset myself just thinking about it!
I woke up at 2:30 this morning ~ had to use the ladies room ~ and bless her, Lacey followed me in as she usually does.....she was yawning the whole time, but laid down at my feet and purred until it was time to go back to bed.....
She has taken to sleeping in the 'circle' on my legs straight, the other bent ~ get the picture? Very comfy for both of us.....
Urs ~ Paddy is trying.....poor little guy. He's been coming into my room a lot more lately ~ something he hasn't done since I 'abondoned' him for a week last year.
I think jumping in my lap is out of the question.....I'm satisfied that he lets me pet him for more than thirty seconds without attacking me now! He allowed me this privilege for almost fifteen minutes last night! He's coming along..... :wink:
Californian bumper sticker= I love cats. they taste just like chicken.
just seeing the above photo I retract that last statement even though it was a bumper sticker for sale in California.
Not a happy camper tonight.....I've just called in either sick or late tomorrow because I have to take Miss Lacey to the vet.
She has what appears to be a rash about one half inch from the lowest nipple on her belly.
Just noticed it yesterday morning ~ whatever it is, I hope I've caught it in time......My poor little baby, Lacey.....