fresco wrote:Heliotrope.
...and what about the energy released if the trebuchet meets an anti-trebuchet travelling backwards in time

Well now there's a conundrum.
Just because it's an anti-trebuchet doesn't mean it's going backwards in time even though that's seemingly one of the solutions to the equations.
But, assuming we have a meeting between a trebuchet and an anti-trebuchet then the energy release would be ...mmmmmmm... ...
About 8.98x10^19 Joules.
That's total conversion though. You'd lose a bit depending because not all of them would come into contact and the other bits would then just be vaporised by the radiation release. Actually then the resulting gasses would be able to interact rather more swiftly and thoroughly so you'd probably end up with a stepped detonation with a large initial energy spike and then a wider peak as the rest of it started to annihilate.
Hmmmm... thinking about shaped antimatter charges now. Wonder what would be the result of a total conversion cone on the continuum structure.
That's a fair bit of energy, in fact it's about the same energy released as a 400 metre asteroid smashing into the Earth at 40 km per second. Roughly.
I reckon that'd would leave an almost 20 km wide crater about 1500 m deep.
So, it's best to be watching this from somewhere out of the way when the anti-trebuchet arrives.
Somewhere like the Moon would do.
Just don't be looking at it when it does though or the gamma radiation might still zap you even there.
Got me thinking now...