Quote:CDK from My Friday Rant (Holla Back White People) thread:
..."But your argument is a fallacious one called "guilt by association"....[Said in response to Noah's contention that the level of disagreement he would get at a KKK site is comparable to the one here.]
You spoke of people HERE. Not averages.
In any case I have stated that I support AA, but because I don;t support the reparations and "black financial leaders" you suggest you still call me racist.
So like I said, it has a lot more to do with disagreeing with you than racism.
And given the quality of your posts your criteria for not being a racist is to be dim.
[1] The fallacy of yours is to make the whole entire use of the term "White Supremacy/White Supremacist" as one that is "Guilty By Association". Therefore, your rejection of Noah's definition of it which is, again, a definition that reflects a whole school of thought that includes blacks/whites/etc. (not to mention your lack of substantiating evidence that those who did not fit his definition.... his definition (not yours).... were still unjustly labeled WS) is a backhanded way to obfuscate and to turn the association into your adantage.
The flawed reasoning is:
"Since I don't think like "them" then I am not and they are the only one's fit to wear that title."
The fact that there is an inter-racial school of thought that shares Noah's essential definition complicates your view that it is one that is essentially ethnocentric or held by [black] ethnocentricist.
[I can provide plenty of proof of that claim if need be.]
[2] The fundamental basis and reasoning behind AA and reparations are the same. How it is that you can support one and not the other is evidence of your own contradictory reasoning. If you agree with AA and the purpose it was for at its inception then you have, in essence, agreed with the basic fundamental aim of and purpose for reparations.
AA as it is and as it was, was a cheap attempt at "reparations". Nothing more but an attempt to do as less as possible to address the issue...
(You might want to consult LBJ's speech at Howard University...)
[3] The "criteria" for not being racist being too dim or slim in your eyes is your cop out. If something has a "racist" impact it is racist nonetheless whether it comes from "recognizable" WS or not.
Such a criteria isn't contingent on you agreeing with it. If you want to attack anything for it locial soundness it is the criteria and not other side claims that should be attacked. Yet, all you have to say about it is that you won't accept it. WHY?
Because the only thing you will accept is for the term to be associated with and only with those "other" guys regardless of how it is defined. WHY? It gives you an out.
"I'm not like them so it can't apply to me."
Well, with an exception of saying what the results/effect of your views are, no such claim about you actually sharing the same exact beliefs as say the KKK (an example only, Mr. Semantics). So, inserting that you don't subscribe to KKK like beliefs is irrelevant. Your support for AA and claim of "common ground" is irrelevant. Those are all ploys of "association" and "disassociation" that are beside the point all of which you hope to use to your advantage, all the while assailing the [mis]use of "association" by someone else.
The definition that is so dim to you is not at all addressed by that, one of many of your shell games. The issue is whether Noah's definition constitutes racism and a condition that maintains or fosters white supremacy as in white [inordinate] dominance....
Try addressing that and not whining about "how dim it is"...
Again, MLK said "Most Americans are subconscious racists" so if he said that given his reputation then the pretenses that are behind
Also, it's funny that "Guilt By Association" as a fallacy is a position of convenience for you. You have associated me with Noah and everything he believed as well as whatever you think about "hijacking, loudmouth, self-annointed/appointed, militant" types. Evidence that you don't really care about the fallacy.... you just don't want to be "guilty" yourself.
That's why you are soooooooo concerned about the prospects of not being racist - and a complicit supporter (active or not) of white supremacy - being dim/slim.
The Association Complex you have makes it seems as if the term applies to so many that is applies equally to the most vicious as it does to the most benign and the most unaware or one with no intent. If you believe in unintended consequences that can result from an action (or just consquences period, for that matter) then I don't see why - outside of you obfuscating - you have difficulty with the concept and definition.
And the fact that such ideas do "harm" and henceforth assuming that one's thoughts and actions automatically don't because you just don't happen to believe like "them" is no haven from the truth that there are consequences to your thoughts and actions whether intended or not.
The point is more about being aware of those consequences and not assuming that since you think you are okay that what results from what you think is also the same.
Oh and I guess that is also such a great indication of what your ethnicity is. I am sure you are black by your stated support for AA, etc. [I don't think someone black would have to make a point of that.]
While I can't speak for all black (and lord knows you can't), black people are not as concerned with nor do they have such an intractable aversion to someone calling them racist. By that I mean, they don't react like whites do to the term.
I've tried to explain that to 'whites' I encounter on-line all the time.
The "you're racist too" or "you're more racist..." little comebacks can only have weight (for as childish as they are) when and if the accusation causes as much an offense or insult to blacks as it does to whites. That would be, IMO, a very flawed assumption - evidence of projection.
Also, Guilt By Association as "defending",etc. Well, it can be said that you have defended the interest of "whites" here. So, since it is so easy for you to say that by my supposed defense of Noah and the things you say we say alike (as well as the whole "loudmouth, militant" thingy), then because you use the same exact language as "whites" do when discussing race then I am well within my rights (via the one's you established for yourself) to associate you and your views with "whites" and even call them "white opinions", seeing as how it can be demonstrated in several ways that a majority of whites hold those opinion and are the ones who predominantly do compared to others, since you can "label", "lump" and look at me as being the same as those of whom I remind you of.
Again, I guess you have positions and principles of convenience and not that you can demonstrably be consistent with, not to mention being coherent.
OH!! Do you care to comment on
cicerone imposter take on "common ground" and how you said what I spoke of was categorical NOT it.
And, if disagreement can be seen as mere disagreement as it relates to "common ground" then doesn't agreement likewise equate to simple agreement? (You can use the word *some* before each undescribed article.)
LOGIC.... Craven....
We can't afford to waste it and can't continue to not properly use it!