George, I would leave the beard as-is. I think it's very dashing! A nice trim greying beard looks quite distinguished.
Osso, what you said here:
Quote:I guess I'm befuddled, somewhat, that a haircut or color can make attraction go away.. As in, if our connection is based on that, it is tenuous at best.
put my feeling into words perfectly. I may even have my boyfriend read your post, it's very well said, much better than I've been able to express it. You do have a gift for expressing things well! That has been the exact thought in my mind that I hadn't been able to put into words. I think the only thing I can do is keep doing what I want and he just has to see that I won't be told what to do! I'm a stubborn Irish lass, after all, that's why I decided I needed the red hair to have the full package...
Thank you again to Chai, Phoenix, J_B, Soz, mac, and eoe for your responses, I've reread what you all said again, because I'm still kind of wrestling with how to feel about this!
I'm sure it sounds like just a goofy little thing, but it worried me a bit. I don't know if I can explain this well, but it was nice to hear that strong women who I respect have had similar experiences, because at first I felt like "Oh my God, I got involved with some old-fashioned chauvinist who thinks he should control me and no smart woman would put up with this!" I'm relieved to hear I'm not the only one who deals with a guy that exhibits a little of those male hang-ups on long hair, "naturalness," etc.! Does that make sense at all, I hope?
Hair coloring is just too much fun to let a stick-in-the-mud man keep you from it!