Eva wrote:My mother was a big fan of haircoloring. We can date family photos by what color hair she had at the time....dark auburn, early '50s....platinum blonde, late '50s-early '60s...light brown frosted, late '60s...medium red-brown, '70s...champagne blonde, '80s...golden blonde, '90s. I think her natural color was salt & pepper most of those years, but nobody knew for sure.
She taught me well. I started coloring my hair at 15, and except for 6 months when I was in my mid-20s (I was curious...yep, it's still dull) I haven't seen more than 1/2" of my real color since. Like Jes, it's a mousy brown with some grey (I hear) which really doesn't suit my very fair coloring. I take in a photo of myself when I was in 4th grade when I loved my hair...it was blonde then with lots of red and gold highlights...and I say, "Make it like this again."
We must have similar coloring - I'm very fair also. However, instead of the type of red you have, I go for the dark reds.
Feria by L'oreal is the best. When I turn 30, my hair just started growing out almost completely gray. I had it done brown (my natural color) professionally for awhile.
As one of the conditions of marrying me, my husband made it clear he REALLY liked redheads. After a few years of marriage and going grayer and grayer, and having to have it done every 4 weeks, I had enough of the beauty salon and all the money.
Now, I do my own hair, he comes in the bathroom and does the back of my head as far as the roots. He's actually pretty good.
After 2 weeks, I touch up the roots on the front of my head.
Just this last time, I said to him...."I think I'm getting tired of red, I'm considering going back to brown" I'm serious, he looked absolutely stricken.
So we comprised on brown auburn.
Shewolf - ugh, I can't believe anyone would find gray and red good together. Espcially with pale skin. Oh well.
Like phoenix, coloring my hair makes me feel good. I've never had a problem with damage. I'm not a sun lover, and try to do as little to my hair as possible.
Eva - really, try Feria - it rocks.
I envy woman who have beautiful white or gray hair, with my facial features, it would just make me look old.