only have fish tacos in Mexico
I took your advice and had another beer, Husker, but I still can not make heads or tails out of your sentence.
<goes to grab another beer>
Gus Amigo figured it out real well - LOL
Gus change need to seen my dyslexia got the best of me
I thought you were talking to me like that so I could understand you better. Amigoesse.
my close friends call it 'huskerese"
i missed a perfectly good thread while i was gone.
simply put- my 2 cents -
seeing threads like that, telling me Im going to hell for not believing in jesus and that I am less than for some reason or another, for not knowing the word of god, just makes me scroll that much longer to find some where to post.
i dont open
i dont partake
but i grimace all the same.
You mean, shewolf, you don't feel the love oozing from evry pore.
when i feel my love, it doesnt ooze..
you ought'a get that checked out...
Where the hell is ali87? That freaky little bastard, He had sh!t flying around here.
Now what the hell are we going to talk about????