dyslexia wrote:anon is the single most intellectually corrupt member of a2k.
Ya, and don't you forget it! I consider it one of my strengths!
By the way, about your being one of the herd ... any hick who lives out in the middle of fricking nowhere, pissing on the cactuses because he hasn't built an inside privy is definitely a "rugged indinvidualist"!!
That was my image, but didn't work.
Tarts, crumpets, clotted cream, clogged drains.
Chai Tea wrote:Dang
That was my image, but didn't work.
Tarts, crumpets, clotted cream, clogged drains.
Yea, and ya screwed up the page display while you were at it!
dyslexia wrote:anon is the single most intellectually corrupt member of a2k.

LOL ok dys. Anon's ok in my book. I have nothing against anyone actually. I think everyone here is really cool in their own way. Even if I don't agree with everything they say or believe.
Ok... who's idea was it to stretch the page?? LOL
oh dang, you are making me hungry chai... mmm that stuff looks good!
I happen to have a package of crumpets in my friends' freezer.. but I'd prefer some light lemon poppy seed scones, please.
<awaiting tart responses..>
hephzibah wrote:dyslexia wrote:anon is the single most intellectually corrupt member of a2k.

LOL ok dys. Anon's ok in my book. I have nothing against anyone actually. I think everyone here is really cool in their own way. Even if I don't agree with everything they say or believe.

Don't worry about Dys my dear. He's just a mangy old hick that somehow got lucky and got a really cool lady. I think she must have felt sorry for him!
I checked out Phoenix' earlier thread and made the following post--which applies here as well:
""Regrettfully, I only just now discovered this important thread. I certainly would not want this wonderful A2K to go the way of Abuzz. On the first page Phoenix said that A2K is a microcosm of the country. I disagree: the average IQ and educational level of this population is much higher than nation's average. The mere fact that everyone here can write and type and articulate ideas demonstrates this fact.
We definitely should simply ignore the rabble, the "barbarians" laying seige to our little island of civil-ization."
Back to Lord E's serious thread: I am by no means against playful teasing, and I agree that some people make take offense at what most of us can tolerate easily. But the disruptive and serious personal attacks really have to go. I think our monitors have done a good job so far, but we also have to simply ignore those we find offensive. This is like a vote: if enough people ignore a particular offensive line of behavior or character, the problem is identified and resolved.
I'll bring the jerky, that's whats wrong with the freakin' english, no jerky. (jerky for the non american speakers here is pemmican). To make Pemmican that will keep take jerked or dried beef strips and pound them to a powder or pulp, mix with fat (warm) beef tallow, sugar and raisins. Put in bladders or skins and tie up tight.
dyslexia wrote:mugwumps, you're all just a bunch mugwumps.( ok so look it up if you don't know what it means)
Am not! In fact I am exactly the opposite.
(and while we're at it thanks ever so much for shoving Creeque Alley back into my brain patterns...now it'll never leave)
Anon-Voter wrote:hephzibah wrote:dyslexia wrote:anon is the single most intellectually corrupt member of a2k.

LOL ok dys. Anon's ok in my book. I have nothing against anyone actually. I think everyone here is really cool in their own way. Even if I don't agree with everything they say or believe.

Don't worry about Dys my dear. He's just a mangy old hick that somehow got lucky and got a really cool lady. I think she must have felt sorry for him!
Dys makes me laugh a lot! I think he has an awesome sense of humor.
JLN, I tend to agree with you on most of that post.
There are some really intelligent people here on A2K. I see a certain name, and I go to take a look, usually.
Most of the time, I haven't the foggiest idea what they're talking about, but it's comforting to know that the world hasn't been totally dumbed down yet.
Dys, I think, is a classic example of this intelligence. Sometimes, I can read a whole paragraph of his posts, and marvel at the way he can arrange all of those words in such a way as to totally remove any likelihood of comprehension on the part of the reader.
The man is a legend, and with that hat, deserves much more of a gay following than he already has.
Re: Such a waste of life (I want my A2K back)
Lord Ellpus wrote:My view is that, if everyone who loves this place took a deep breath and made a supreme effort not to post in that section for at least the next month, maybe the loonies will get sick and tired of shouting into an empty room....
I already do this. I've been here over a year and have never posted in the Religion or Politics forum, and I'm sure never will. So, you have my support.
I also never use "At A Glance" either. Always My Topics and My Posts, and then I look at specific forums only. :wink:
I will still stick my oar in the politics bit, Reyn.....but I won't be going to the other place again, methinks.
I see you've reverted to your old avatar again. That was the one you had when I first arrived.
Who is he?