Fri 3 Feb, 2006 11:48 am
So now we've got Roland the fabulous fabulous cat, to keep Jezzery Doo Doo Head company.
He's 4 months, she 12 years.
Obviously there's a big energy difference.
He's quite healthyÂ…..eating like the growing boy he is, playing, sleeping, pooping and such. He's very happy.
One thing I've noticed. When Jezz sits on my lap, she's the temperature of, well, a cat. Same as other cats I've owned.
When Roland snuggles down, he's like a little tea kettle. Not feverish hot, justÂ…vroommm, vroooom, you can feel his body revving.
This is the first time I've had a baby and an adult at the same time, to feel the difference. Are young cats usually "hotter"?
I figure since before I raised two kittens at the same time, as the "cooled down" It wasn't noticeable. We got Jezzer as a young adult.
It's been my experience that kittens generally feel warmer because they're coats aren't fully developed so the heat literally pours from them. They also tend to be little balls of energy until they get older, which may also denote a higher-metabolism, thus more heat.
Just some thoughts.
Same thoughts.
Dang, the food consumption for the yard cats has dropped by 50% since they've mostly gotten past adolesence.