From the bottom...
because with kids in the house, if it rolls from the top, the paper/tissue will be gone with one quick pull of the end of the roll.
I once read about someone famous (can't recall who now) who insisted that all the rolls in her house roll from the top, AND that the ends all be folded into perfect little points by folding the corners of the top square under.
Talk about being anal!
Matrix, Seems like that person worked in the lodging industry.
Hey, what about you willful bottom-feeders? Why'n't you speak up?
I do understand about the pets -- our paper towels live in the cupboard over the stove because the dogs have so much fun with them (I find they get used a lot less that way anyhow, which is probably good), but, damn it, the paper's gotta come over the top. That just makes sense. When it's under the bottom, you've got to reach back there, and the loose end brushes against the wall whenever there's a draft, and it's just a pain in the butt.
When the gf manages to put a new roll on the reel at all (usually there's one there and one or two on the counter; we is slobs), she always gets it wrong. She claims that she has no preference, and yet she goes bottomside every time, and that is not statistically favored. (Though, like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I guess I shouldn't be surprised every time the coin comes up heads -- or tails.)
Also, like Squinney, she'll let the dryer run for days with the lint trap full and never wonder why the clothes never get dry, but that issue has already been addressed...
Dryer lint is pretty.
i have always wanted to do something clever and artistic and full of social comment with it.
but i don't have a drier.
patiodog's poddish too.
Maybe it's a guy thing.
(heeeheeeeheeeee I was soooooooooooo not gonna say that aloud!)
you can make a pillow with some social comment embroidered on it. such pillows are indeed clever and artistic, not to mention fluffy!
I'm terribly sorry but poddish? Perfumed and coloured lavatory papah, given by ah servant, parhaps?
Why wud u want yr servant to see yr bum ?
I thought the master generally saw the bum, and the servant the carpet.
I guess I've been playing wrong...

pd - depends on the personal preferance of the master I guess.....
Some masters want to be mistress :p
What sort of mastery is this?
Over the top like a waterfall.... everybody knows that, how else would you fold the end?
You are supposed to fold it? Like origami, or something?
Origami TP? Heeheehee... well at least at hotels, it is like that!
Have you ever followed after a small child has used the john -- only to discover a long string of TP hanging down, wetted at the end??? Sometimes, it is good to see that the TP is relatively untouched (and dry).
...reminds me of a minor sign-of-the-times event a year or two ago. was at a campground on the peninsula, spending some time in the john, and this guy brings his son in -- probably about 6 or 7, but i'm not so good at kids' ages.
anyway, kid goes up to the urinals, pees, starts to walk away, and then stops. "daddy," he says, "why didn't it flush?"
and i'm in the stall trying to remember my first encounter with one of those self-flushing johns that this kid apparently thought were everywhere...
The first one who makes a origami crane wins a prize....
Am I the only one who always tears off the pointed squares in hotel rooms? Don't much like the thought of someone's hands having been all over it...