"Can you spare a square?"
I read someplace that they specially manufacture that kind of tp so that people don't just grab a ton of it, as they are wont. Money saver and all that. Dunno if it's true.
I was utterly neutral on this topic until I met E.G. He is not neutral. There is One Way to install toilet paper, and that One Way is so it can be accessed from the top. End of story.
He can be poddish sometimes.
I voted for peat moss. Don't use the stuff with 3 shiny red leaves together. That's bad.
Sozobe---"poddish" ...? I can't find that word. Help.
It's another dlowanism. She talks about some people being pods. Like post-snatching a la Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I made that into "poddish."
I've fooled many cats through the years with the "under-the-bottom of the roll" method. They try spinning it to get the paper off, but it doesn't work. You still go through a few rolls with claw marks all over them, but the kitties give up before long. And no, you don't have to use two hands that way. You just have to get used to it. Well, anyway, it works for me....
ever try poison ivy? OUCH!
whatever happened to those one sheet dispensers?
when young, I used to circle the toilet seat with them, one by one.....ofcoarse they were overlapped.......and once in awhile, the whole thing would fall into the toilet like dominoes....... start over again, one, two, three.........
the things you people do for cats.
i say shave the lil' smeggers when they play with the tp!
Poddish is GOOD!
Stillwater is BAAAAAAAAD!
does anyone know gargantua and pantagruel, the ancient fable? gargantua was the giant and he needed no toilet paper. he used little fuzzy chicks, just few days old, and little rabbits too! very soft and effective they were!!!!
Day old chicks, that is SOOOOOOOO cruel!!
Tell me more about the bunnies though <I'll BAD you Debs, just you wait!>
I LOOOOOOOVE to pee in those still waters, Mr S.....
Here's hoping you meet a bear in the woods Hoppity!!
Have a great long weekend Deb!
Over the top! Absolutely! And our kitties are not at all interested in toilet paper. Good kitties! They prefer to read the newspaper... ;-)
mine like to read online...they get to play with the mouse that way...
Well, cats here don't like that - I've got an optical mouse.