I haven't seen it since I busted it.
Yehhh, I finally got to press it!!
really? It's true, there is an actual fart button?
Did you think I was kidding?
dlowan wrote:I haven't seen it since I busted it.
Where ya been? I saw it like 3 times today!
I just tried it a couple dozen times to no avail! Wah!
What avail were you hoping for?
I dunno, a nice aqua blue-ish one...
didja find the right button?
Well. It said Fart Button and it was big and red.
But, when I press it, .....nuttin.
Yes. I just can't fart.
I wonder if I'm the only one...
Well, it's not such a bad thing!
I can't even find the magic button.
There's ANOTHER special button?
Um, I dunno, I was refering to the fart button.
So, those who don't hear the Fart Button are listening to music while at the computer? My button's lil' fart was quite delicate..
MY button's fart is a humdinger, but too wet.
I pressed it at work the other day, and my speakers were on loud.
I bet they all thought it was I.